Idiotic Law Signed By The Idiotic Governor Moonbeam Was the Reason Democrats Took the Elections in California – IOTW Report

Idiotic Law Signed By The Idiotic Governor Moonbeam Was the Reason Democrats Took the Elections in California

Ballot Harvesting was the way California democrats won elections that were seemingly won by republicans in their strongholds.

It’s legal, but shouldn’t be.

Ballot Harvesting simply means anyone can hand in a ballot for any other person. So dems went door to door and collected votes.

This opens the door to fraud, coercion and bribery, but the dems think it’s “democracy.”

The dems have kindred spirits in Banana Republics.

Infuriating Story HERE


10 Comments on Idiotic Law Signed By The Idiotic Governor Moonbeam Was the Reason Democrats Took the Elections in California

  1. Here’s how it works in the hood:

    Knock Knock.
    Yo! Ma name iz DeAndre and ahm here to collect yer totally secret, un-coerced, non-partisan, democrat vote Mofo! Pay no attenshun to King’Kong’Quisha and Qua’Lifriaqui’sha’niquia out there swingin those batons, deys jus heppin out today. Now in return for yer totally secret, un-coerced, non-partisan, democrat vote today we promise not to smash yo door in… or yo face!

  2. In reality they just make up boxes of ballots and say they canvassed the neighborhoods.
    Then if they win they do nothing. If they lose a close one they whip out the boxes and say “Oh look whut we found Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk!


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