Idiots Made A False Trumpism A Word of the Year According to Webster – IOTW Report

Idiots Made A False Trumpism A Word of the Year According to Webster

I’m not going to name names, but there is a blogger that insists on repeating a certain word that Trump never said, rendering him just like the left who convinced the nation that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her porch.


The word is BIGLY.

Trump never said “bigly.”

Trump said “big league.”

This guy is in the day to day business of trying to prove Trump is a dope.

If Trump’s such a dope why does this blogger have to make up stuff? Just print the “real” stuff that makes him stupid.

Why act like the black people who have to prove there is racism by faking a racist attack because the “racists” out there just won’t cooperate and attack them.

Is that the “big league” he wants to be in?

It’s not very bigly of him.


Other words of the year can be seen HERE.

Sadly, no chocolate starfish.

ht/ zonga


15 Comments on Idiots Made A False Trumpism A Word of the Year According to Webster

  1. President Ocorpseman mispronounced corpsman several times at an awards ceremony in the White House, and the MSDM didn’t mention it. If Trump had done this, it would have been headline news and every late night television host would have ridiculed him mercilessly. Now, we get to replay their asinine assurances that Trump would never get elected, and we get to watch their nervous breakdowns as the truth dawned on them that the country had rejected their candidate. It’s a Sweet Revenge we are enjoying.

  2. @PJ: Hope you don’t mind a minor modification to your post.

    Related forms
    biggish, adjective
    bigly, adverb
    1. huge, immense; bulky, massive; capacious, voluminous; extensive. See Mooch’s great big butt.

  3. @ KMM

    Mooch’s butt is biglier than a Kardashian butt, and Mooch’s husband is the bigliest (fill in the blank). 🙂

    No, I don’t mind at all, however I don’t want to “See Mooch’s great…”
    hee, hee, hee!

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