If Al Gore Is the Jackie Robinson of Global Warming Then… – IOTW Report

If Al Gore Is the Jackie Robinson of Global Warming Then…

In a recent interview with the Nashville Times, former Vice President and failed presidential candidate Al Gore compared his global warming crusade to Jackie Robinson’s fight to integrate baseball.

That comparison is as accurate as declaring Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King, Jr. of politics because like the famed civil rights leader Mr. Trump is going to lead us to the promised and Democrats that oppose him are like the KKK.


15 Comments on If Al Gore Is the Jackie Robinson of Global Warming Then…

  1. Gore is more similar to the perpetrators of “Piltdown Man.”
    A modern Lysenko.
    Cold Fusion, writ large … and infinitely more expensive.

    The Bernie Madoff of science.

    izlamo delenda est …

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