If Establishment Really Wanted to Beat Donald Trump, They’d Drop Marco Rubio for Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

If Establishment Really Wanted to Beat Donald Trump, They’d Drop Marco Rubio for Ted Cruz

The establishment GOP believes it must stop Donald Trump. Supposedly.

Breitbart: Many in the so-called Republican establishment worry that Trump will lead the Republican Party to defeat and perdition. On Thursday, former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman called Trump evil and suggested, “Republicans, now is the time to defeat this scourge of our party. We can make America great again by defeating the selfishness, arrogance and bigotry of Donald Trump.”


Meanwhile, the Jeb Bush campaign reportedly is considering whether their candidate should openly vow not to support Trump if he gets the nomination.

Most of the establishment, however, seems to be realizing that the field must be culled to beat Trump. Trump will not fall to earth; he will stay right where he is in the polls. The only way to defeat him, then, is to overcome his numbers—his 30-40 percent national numbers are stable, and the only way to beat him would be for the field to consolidate, putting one other candidate at 35-45 percent.

There’s only one problem for the establishment: The only candidate capable of overcoming Trump’s numbers is the candidate they hate second-most, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

15 Comments on If Establishment Really Wanted to Beat Donald Trump, They’d Drop Marco Rubio for Ted Cruz

  1. Waiting for the chorus of RINOs and progressive to sing the GOPe talking points in unison.

    The GOPe country clubbers, with deep pockets and vested financial interests in a RINO president, will not easily relinquish their desire for power, contracts, ambassadorships, appointments and control.

    It will get worse before it gets better.

  2. Have you ever heard ANY repubic ever call any demoncrat “evil”? Do you think this old dried up dish rag would ever say that about the EVIL whore that covered up numerous rapes by her husband, participated in the cover up and murder of Vince Foster, sold uranium to our enemies, gave top secret secret material to our military enemies just so she could keep Humer sucking her twat, and so much more evil shit ??

    That says all you need to know. The nice thing is nobody has to give one cent to the RNC in order to destroy these animals. Its time for an “Arab Spring” to be carried out on the RNC.

  3. Something struck me yesterday where I could see the GOP establishment trying to thwart a Trump presidency by having Rubio or Bush run as an independent to throw the election to Hidebeast.

    Their plan to hijack the convention (should not enough delegates be had) is out in the open so now they can’t pull that stunt and risk Trump and Carson running as independents. Well they could just to throw the election, but it would destroy the party.

    By having Bush or Rubio run as an independent, that could possibly siphon off enough votes to prevent Trump from winning. Even Cruz, that possibility would exist for him too.

    Though I suspect that if one is going to do it, it would be Bush since his political career is dead once this cycle is over with. Rubio still has a lot of years in the tank to be a hack for the establishment.

  4. I was talking to a bunch of union guys yesterday at a company Christmas gathering and, to a man, they were all strong Trump supporters. So Trump may lose a few of the pansy-ass Republican voters, but he is winning the millions in the blue collar ranks.

  5. While I believe that IS the most likely choice of the GOPe, it wouldn’t surprise me all TOO much if they were to float a Cruz/Rubio ticket…sort of a 4-year hiatus with Cruz only HALF-WAY under their thumb, and then back to business as usual under Rubio.

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