If Fellini Made Political Videos – IOTW Report

If Fellini Made Political Videos

HT/ Mr. Pinko

31 Comments on If Fellini Made Political Videos

  1. I have no idea who Fellini is, but if this is not a joke that I don’t understand, your attack on Jeb is pathetic.

    You get your ass out there and get involved…until then, quit attacking people that do.

    No, I don’t agree with many of Jeb’s policies, but I am certainly not going to spend my time making him look pathetic.

    What’s the point here?

  2. And let me add, while Donald was bribing politicians to get rich, Jeb was running a state in full public view, and Donald even attempted to bribe Jeb to get a casino in Florida, he failed to get his way and you call Jeb the loser? Really?

  3. Please let the Bush dynasty end right here and now….
    I hope I never hear the term “skull and crossbones” ever again.
    There are over 300 million Americans in this country to chose from. Why should we be forced to vote for another Bush?

  4. Or another fcuking Clintoon and a convenience Clintoon at that.

    We all know Hellery is into kinky insertions with middle eastern dominatrix type women, she just hangs with Bill to get the straight women vote.

  5. Menderman,
    See this part of your comment —>
    I have no idea who Fellini is..

    It should have ended right there.

    Fellini is an Italian director who is best known for making experimental films that often leave the viewer bewildered.
    He was influenced by Jung and dabbled in Neo-realism often creating surreal, dreamlike scenes in his movies.

    The video is exactly the type of video iOTWreport would run because it is arty and weird.

    I can’t help you with your newfound love affair with Jeb.
    I would try, but I have no time, I’m working 18 hours a day on a political blog.

    Maybe with the other six hours I can “get my ass involved” with politics.

  6. I really can’t believe the shit I’m reading here. Pardon me while I go bust all the mirrors in my house looking for the hidden camera and Rod Serling. Menderman, review your posts for the last 6 months. Are you fing kidding me. This is getting extremely predictable and boring. I’ll check back after Super Tuesday after the anti Trump idiots led here by Wood boy kidnap Trump and perform an exorcism on him led by their Pagan Princess Ted Cruz.

  7. Although I did not dislike Jeb as much as many others have, I am encouraged by the fact that most Americans are rejecting political dynasties out of hand. We had two Bushes as President, and a third was just too much. The media tried to build the Kennedys as a political dynasty, and while RFK may have had a chance at the Presidency, the rest of the Kennedy ilk has faded away. I think that we, as Americans, instinctively avoid political dynasties.

    Hillary may likely be the Democrat nominee, and she may even win the White House. However, the Clinton line will stop with her one way or another.

  8. I dunno Wyatt, Chelsea is spitting out little Hubbells as we speak.

    We all know how progs gravitate toward ugly mugs. Hellry might come under sniper fire for real and wham, a whole dynasty of single payer ugly presidents.

  9. It’s okay.
    Menderman has been absorbed by the Bush’s and has become a “compassionate conservative.”

    Next stop – Islam is the religion of peace.

    I almost fell over the other day when some conservative talking head was saying the same thing…
    Don’t make fun of Jeb…
    and then he listed his accomplishments as governor, saying
    “he revolutionized Florida education.”

    Ya, you know what that revolution was? COMMON CORE. (The Foundation For Excellence in Education, Bush’s program, was the precursor, they have done nothing but usher in Common Core ever since.)
    Embracing the federal system of education was Jeb’s revolutionary concept for Florida.

    **** off all you Jeb defenders. The guy was a disaster and would have been doing press conferences guilting America into going along with every progressive notion floated at him.
    “The illegals are only coming here as an act of love…”

    It’s amazing what someone will do and say when they suffer from derangement syndrome.

    The hatred of Trump is so palpable that if a weird art video on this site about the unwanted Jeb Bush happens to have Trump in it the blog gets called out, the uploader gets called out, and Jeb is suddenly a sympathetic character.

    I thought I’ve seen it all.

    Next stop: Leave Bernie Sanders ALONE you mean Mr. Trump!!!!

  10. Highlight of the Jub! campaign:

    Jub!: Trump is not a conservative because he’s for eminent domain for commercial enterprises.
    Trump: But your family used eminent domain to build Ranger Stadium
    Jub!: Gulp!

    I don’t know about you, but I think that’s real comedy gold right there

  11. What the fuck is wrong with some of you people?
    You don’t know who Felini was? How the hell is that even possible, but if it was possible, why the hell wouldn’t you look him up before you advertise your abject stupidity.
    That’s not just ignorance, its STUPIDITY!

    Jeb Bush might not care if his house looks smells and sounds like Mexico, but I sure do and the Americans people did as well.
    He was such a weak f*ck that his Mexican wife had him speaking Spanish in his own house.
    You dodged a bullet America. He was not even a good and kind man, he was an avaricious fool who’s was easily lead around by others.
    His wife has been here for 40+ years yet she can barely string a sentence together in English.
    Bush the man and the candidate was a disaster and good riddance.

  12. My internet speed is on the suck tonight. But that’s nothing compared to what a Jeb presidency would be like.
    He was a mistake from the beginning.

    Maybe we need a limit to how many presidents a household can run. We’ve had enough Bushes already. Thank you for going away Jeb. Best thing you’ve ever done.

  13. Bud, And who caused the economic collapse? Wasn’t Barry. Already happened before he took office. Barry just made it worse. That collapse happened after 8 years of Bush rule.

  14. Beanie Fellini?
    He was one of the grates. He used to slap me in the mouth before I even sall his hand move. I have no idea … well, no ideas about a lot of stuff … but no idea AT ALL why he hates Jeb … me and Barry and Mr. Soros were all kinda pullin for Jeb …

  15. So Yeb! admits that when he quit his quixotic campaign to be President, he got to sleep with his wife.
    Until he quit running, whom was he forced to sleep with in order to fund that expensive futile campaign??!!

    Just how did he become Gov of FL? Has he changed (wilted) that much? Did it cost his backers a ton of money? Are the voters of FL just that stupid?

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