If Only Chugging Milk Was the Only Problem High Schools in America Had – IOTW Report

If Only Chugging Milk Was the Only Problem High Schools in America Had

Tipster JS sent in this story, and while reading all I could help think that this was an episode of Leave It To Beaver.

You remember the one, it’s where Wally got sick because Eddie said he couldn’t chug a half gallon of milk in one sitting, and he ended up missing his school’s city championship baseball game, right?

Well, no. There wasn’t any such episode. But a similar incident at a high school made it into the news. ( How quaint is this school?)


SOUTH GLENS FALLS — School officials are asking cafeteria aides to intervene much sooner if they see students playing “chugging” games, following an incident at the high school on Tuesday in which a student got sick after drinking a half-gallon of milk in one sitting.

A 45-second video of the incident, posted on Twitter, shows the boy grabbing a half-gallon of milk with both hands, putting it to his mouth and drinking it, as students cheer him on in the background. The boy initially spits out a mouthful and then is egged on by peers, yelling “Drink it! Drink it!” and “Go! Go! Go!”

The boy finishes drinking the jug, then spits out another mouthful, as boys yell: “he (expletive) did it.”

 A parent contacted The Post-Star, expressing concern that staff did not intervene sooner.

A group of boys had challenged each other to drink the milk, according to Patton. Four or five staff members are present in each of the school’s four lunch periods.

“Unfortunately, they didn’t intervene soon enough to stop the young man from drinking this amount of milk at one time,” he said.


I looked it up. The high school is 97% white.

Chugging milk—> white people problems.


22 Comments on If Only Chugging Milk Was the Only Problem High Schools in America Had

  1. What’s up with Wally’s hair? When I was delivering newspapers as a paper boy 50 years ago (sponsored by the local newspaper representative I’m not kidding), we once had a contest between the paper boys to see who could swallow down a full glass jug of A&W root beer the fastest and keep it down without barfing afterwards. It was fun but a heck of a mess afterwards, they even put down sawdust to absorb all the puke. I don’t think they would or could do that now.

  2. When I saw this story it brought back almost fifty year old memories of 7th grade. A couple of buddies and myself had a chocolate milk and brownie eating contest. Well I recall winning with about 6 brownies and 6 of those half pint chocolate milks,when the bell rang ending the lunch break. When I stood up and started walking to my next class I suddenly felt ill and proceeded to vomit right there in the aisle as a young girl in a nice dress was running to her next class slipped and fell in it and rolled around in it. I still feel sorry for her.

  3. this reminds me of two of my favorite kid’s movies The Sandlot and Stand By Me (maybe an older kid’s movie) where in The Sandlot the kids all made themselves sick by chewing tobacco before riding the tilt-a-whirl and classic scene in Stand By Me with Lard Ass (AKA David Hogan) and the tale of the barfarama during the pie eating contest. And of course the infamous ‘Oh shit, it’s Mr. Creosote”, from Monty Python’s movie The Meaning Of Life.

  4. Well, I’d really worry about the kid if he grabbed a jug of Bali Hai (remember that fruity wine?) and chugged it like we use to do in high school. We got sick and drunk and learned our l4esson. Do they even make that stuff any more?

  5. @Ann – are you hanging out at the school yards again??? 😉

    I watched a big kid (about 250 lb) try to drink a gallon of milk; the issue is that your stomach can’t handle that much of a certain protein in the milk. You may be able to drink it all, but you can’t keep it down. He got about 3/4 of a gallon in before losing it.

  6. My son was tricked into heating a habanero by a friend when he was in his teens. Boy, did he ever find out how hot that was and there wasn’t enough water in the garden hose to quell that fire. He never did it again and hasn’t been friends with that kid since they were young.

  7. How about chugging that electrolyte while prepping
    for a colonoscopy? Yummy. I hit the puke mark, gagged,
    and shat out of both ends. Glad I have a tiled house!

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