If The Bidens Love Medicare And Social Security So Much, Why’d They Dodge Those Taxes? – IOTW Report

If The Bidens Love Medicare And Social Security So Much, Why’d They Dodge Those Taxes?

Federalist– Same song, different verse. For someone who spends much of his time claiming to defend Social Security and Medicare, President Joe Biden takes a pass one day a year: Tax Day.

For the sixth consecutive year, Biden and his wife avoided paying Medicare and Social Security taxes on some of their income by using a controversial loophole. The corporate press largely avoids this issue, but congressional Republicans interested in exposing the Bidens’ hypocrisy should not.

Residual Book Sales

In 2017, both Joe and Jill Biden set up S-corporations to handle their book and speech income. By funneling this income through the S-corporations — in Joe’s case through the CelticCapri Corporation, and in Jill’s case through the Giacoppa Corporation — they avoided payroll taxes on profits from the companies.

In 2022, the Bidens characterized $5,092 as corporate profits exempt from payroll taxes, as shown on page 13 of their return: MORE

10 Comments on If The Bidens Love Medicare And Social Security So Much, Why’d They Dodge Those Taxes?

  1. OMG:

    Kari Lake: Joe ‘Bozo’ Biden Is Getting Paid by the Chinese Communist Party to Destroy America
    h ttps://rumble.com/v2khjbo-kari-lake-joe-bozo-biden-is-getting-paid-by-the-chinese-communist-party-to-.html

  2. If I had a way to avoid the payroll taxes on things like book income I’d do it too. The Bidens hired good tax accountants who know how to work the regulations on the books. I hate to say this, but good for them.

    Getting full tax payments on all the “10% for the Big Guy” money would be much more lucrative.

  3. ASide from the hypocracy factor i have ZERO problem with this. WHy? Every one of us would do EXACTLY the same thing if we could. i don’t see ANY of us lining up to pay the feds more, regardless of the type of tax it is.

    WHat i don’t get is who is paying these people to come speak to them? Who GIF what either of them have to say? Just another payoff to a political ally.

  4. congress nwords love their taxpayer-funded, permanent gold/platinum/silver lifestyles. they get upset when someone tries to give them an early “lead” retirement, like that obiden-dindu @ the baseball game.


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