If The NYT Admits This Much, How Much Are They Still Hiding? – IOTW Report

If The NYT Admits This Much, How Much Are They Still Hiding?


In mid June, Revolver News published a groundbreaking investigative report arguing that certain elements of the federal government not only had foreknowledge of the events of 1/6, but that some senior members of the major militia groups blamed for the so-called “insurrection” were actually federal informants or undercover operatives themselves.

Scarcely three months after this report, the New York Times took the occasion of a sleepy Saturday morning to quietly confirm that there were indeed FBI informants among those militia members who “stormed the Capitol.” More

Tucker Carlson had Darren Beattie from “Revolver” on last night to discuss the dilemma the narrative fashioners are in now that the truth is being confirmed by mainstream outlets. Watch

7 Comments on If The NYT Admits This Much, How Much Are They Still Hiding?

  1. Whenever I see a limited hangout like this, I remember the words of Sundance:

    “Keep in mind the institutions of our intensely political bureaucracy have preferred media outlets to construct their narratives. The State Department uses CNN, the FBI uses The New York Times and the CIA usesThe Washington Post.”

  2. Notice at the end of the segment the video of the capitol shows the actual first people crashing through the doorway.
    And guess what! It’s a bunch of black clothed, face covered antifa (or Fed “informants”). Not the red, white and blue wearing MAGA INSURRECTIONISTS!!!!

  3. Sorta makes you understand why when Trump advised using the National Guard a week or 2 before the rally it was turned down by the bureaucrats so there was a clear shot for their “plants” to maximize the bad optics.

  4. The Jan 6 insurrection was orchestrated by the FBI and their operatives. They worked up the crowd to enter the capitol but there was little damage or destruction. Quite unlike the BLM invasion a few years earlier that resulted in almost no arrests.

    Fuck Joe


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