If Titanic Was Filmed in 2022 – IOTW Report

If Titanic Was Filmed in 2022

h/t Dadof4

14 Comments on If Titanic Was Filmed in 2022

  1. It should have had the captain’s wife on the bridge saying, “I told you to turn when you first spotted that iceberg, but did you listen? No, you never listen to what I have to say.”

  2. If it was filmed in 2022, half the passengers would be black, half of them would be wearing a mask, and Jack would have had a nasty surprise once he got Rose in the back of that car, dropped her drawers, and found out that Rose was a Rob.

  3. “Why not women first? We’re the only ones who can have babies! Preserve the human species!!”

    “No you’re not! Men can get pregnant, too! The Science is settled!”

    “Yeah, no we’re not! Men can have babies, too. I read it online!”

    (Ship’s crewman thinks a bit…)

    “Okay, children and people who are pregnant first!”

    (Everyone piles in the lifeboat which capsizes and sinks, drowning all.)

  4. Winston Churchill was asked which nation’s ocean liners he preferred .. and he surprised everyone by saying “Italy”

    When asked why he said, “Because the service is first rate, the cuisine is excellent .. and if we hit an iceberg there’s none of this nonsense about women and children first”


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