If Trump is Hitler, Kids Are Going To Figure Hitler Wasn’t All That Bad – IOTW Report

If Trump is Hitler, Kids Are Going To Figure Hitler Wasn’t All That Bad


In their attempt to make Trump seem worse than he is they say he’s “just like Hitler.”

But when they do that the opposite happens. They mitigate Hitler’s atrocities. People who don’t know any better will think Hitler wasn’t all that bad, because, let’s face it, Trump is NOT HITLER, you imbeciles.

The left is disgusting.


16 Comments on If Trump is Hitler, Kids Are Going To Figure Hitler Wasn’t All That Bad

  1. they’re still trying to find something to take him out. haha. what a bunch of dipshits. the funniest thing was watching hildabeast take herself out without even trying. haha OMG, that was priceless. we all had a front row seat and it didn’t cost a dime. and now it’s just a smoldering dumpster fire. lol. omg im cryin im loling so hard im gonna pee myself. Bwaaahahaha!

  2. meuller’s work is almost done and when it is, it in and of itself will solidify that the democrats are the only force of all of the disruptions over the last election. but it wont be reported like that in so many easy to understand plain simple english words. no, these reports need to be released with multi-syllabic gobbledygook

    perhaps he will use this to produce the report.

    or this


    or they probably have it already pre written from years ago.

    no matter, but it’s coming, that’s a given. the question is, will you understand it, the answer is no. nobody will understand it. but that doesn’t matter as long as it points to the opposition it serves it’s purpose.

  3. Isn’t Trump a successful businessman? If you go back in the video files of all the major
    networks. They have done puff pieces on how great Trump is.
    I guess being a success in America today gets you the ‘Hitler’ tag.
    Successful businessman becomes president of the United States.
    Yep, just like Hitler

  4. Years ago I found myself running a booze and dope recovery operation. The go to response whenever I called someone out for skirting basic rules was “this place is worse than the joint, man”.
    People who know they are wrong or are blindly following the click always retort with the same puerile vacuous justifications.
    Some people never grow up and I notice that most always gravitate to and are welcomed by the demoncrats.

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