If you can follow this AOC rant you may be part bloodhound – IOTW Report

If you can follow this AOC rant you may be part bloodhound

22 Comments on If you can follow this AOC rant you may be part bloodhound

  1. I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin’ bushwackin’, hornswagglin’ cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter.

  2. I must not have any bloodhound in me… I couldn’t follow any part of that word salad. Sheesh!

  3. …I learned a long time ago when dealing with them professionally that listening to the demented and the insane is like playing cribbage with a toddler. There are no rules cards, there are no turns, the cards go everywhere, and sometimes you find yourself pegging backwards.

    Or to put it another way, as (I think) Mark Twain once said,
    โ€œNever argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.โ€

    …listening to this moron is pointless. It’s just a word salad that even another crazy person couldn’t understand, because crazy is individual and no 2 are alike, so it’s better to spend the time cleaning your guns instead of listening to her, because the demented maunderings of the one will lead to the need for the other, sooner or later…

  4. It makes me think very little of the Boston College Business school. She is supposed to have a BS in Economics and International Marketing and yet she is a socialist. She couldn’t find a job in international business in one of the leading markets that imports people to fill positions and all she could find is a job as a bar maid. And now as a Congresswoman.

    I suspect she had a proxy take her college classes and earn her degree. Every Econ major I have ever met has been a extreme Capitalist.

  5. Vinegar and oil salad dressing is a cause of the climate crisis. The continued existence of Crocs footwear is a cause of the climate crisis. The disappointment of “The Last Jedi” and “Wonder Woman: 1984” is a cause of the climate crisis.

    We may have now reached “Idiocracy” levels of stupid in our elected officials. Hey, maybe I should be a Congressman.

  6. This idiot repeats the definition of โ€œstupidโ€ every time she opens her mouth. She may need to hear it repeated every day but anyone with more intelligence than my beagle does not.

  7. After years of being a leftist operative – have no fear, I’m cured now, I can translate AOC’s Marxist indoctrinated drivel.

    Surrender to our conditions and mandated ideologies or suffer the consequences of our socialist doctrine boogie man -“climate change”.

    NOTE: climate change isn’t real (except for changing of the seasons) – a fake crisis, see Covid plandemic.

    However, if no compliance, climate change will most likely be manufactured by super psycho leftist Bill Gates (Sun blocking dust) or a nuclear winter courtesy of the CCP.

  8. 99th. It is part of the plan.
    I think that the squad are the point of the spear that the left puts out to see how far they can push us.And it is working.
    Not one leader on the left has called them out on all of the crap that they are pushing.
    They embrace it.
    Case in point, Mad Maxine.


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