If you can’t feed your baby, call your doctor… maybe he’ll have food? – IOTW Report

If you can’t feed your baby, call your doctor… maybe he’ll have food?

She should have said, if you can’t feed your baby because there is no formula, call your leaf blower. They have it all.

22 Comments on If you can’t feed your baby, call your doctor… maybe he’ll have food?

  1. More Machine Dumbing Operations (MDO). They are stripping our intelligence and embedding it into massive neural nets in the cloud. They think they can achieve eternal life in Si(licon). Sorry Bill, you are going to die soon.

  2. I think she means “A government en-titled ‘Doctor’,” (even a pink haired tranny) “can legally declare it Bar-B-Clump of cells. At least for this summer.”

  3. “…She should have said, if you can’t feed your baby because there is no formula, call your leaf blower. They have it all…”

    Correction: “…She should have said, if you can’t feed your baby because there is no formula, call your neighborhood drug dealer. He has it all…”

  4. This shortage is pissing me off to no end.
    My son-in-law has a disabled little brother who must be tube fed.
    The only supplement he can handle, with no adverse effects, is produced by Abbott.
    Then you have the likes of Butt Muddler telling moms to “feed them yourself, it’s free”!
    What a dumb bitch.
    And Chrissy Teigen’s little bitch, John legend in his own mind, lamenting about how illegal filth deserves the formula more than an American citizen.
    Should our side ever get their own Lee H Oswald, I have a hell of a list to give him.

  5. Can’t wait for this stupid ginger to clog the cable news airwaves.

    The flavor of the week is “burnt ginger” over at msnbc.

  6. History repeats. This is nothing more and nothing less than those who consider themselves entitled saying: Let them eat cake.

    Guillotining this bunch would be too good for them.

  7. “I’m sorry, Ma’am, the Doctor is with a patient at this time. Can I leave him a message?”

    “I was told by President Biden’s spokeswoman, Jan Psaki, to call a Doctor if I can’t find formula to feed my baby! I need to know what to do!!”

    “Well, I suspect you have a lot in common with her and the President, Ma’am. As you know, the Doctor is not a pediatrician, so I’m not sure what he can recommend. But I’ll pass along your concern and maybe he can call you back. Your name and phone number, Ma’am?”

    “Miya Lifschitz, 555-123-4567. I’m a patient of his.”

    “Oh, hi there Mrs. Lifschitz! Okay, got it!.” (Hangs up.)

    “Holy crap on a cracker!”

  8. She assumes all doctors have samples to give out? And LOTS of it?

    Buy formula online from Amazon (use Canada if you have to)
    Or from Mexico. lol

    Or check out how to make it online.
    Don’t let them scare you. Do some research and you’ll figure it out.
    There are people walking the planet right now who didn’t get formula when they were babies. So other than breast milk, they were eating SOMETHING else, right?

  9. Anecdotal, I know, but my mother fed all 5 of us on the evaporated milk, water, Karo syrup recipe. We’re all in our 60’s, not overweight and pretty healthy, most of us had Covid, and survived.

  10. there are already food riots in Sri Lanka … & they’re burning politicians houses down

    The Global Oligarchy is hoping & praying for us to revolt … Martial Law will be declared faster than you can say ‘Pedo Joe shit his pants again”. all production of food stuffs, oil, gas, water, electricity will be taken over by the gubmint. they’ll let the cities burn … for a while … then they’ll tell everyone to ‘shelter-in-place’ while they ‘clean up’ & lock us down for our ‘own good’ … they’re so close they can taste it

    bank on it

  11. When there is a fire, call a fireman. When someone is about to kill you, attempt to persuade a minority killer some people call a cop to save you. When your baby is hungry, call the person that should have killed it for you.

    Any questions?

  12. The gleefully warped trojan horse who goes by the name of Joe Biden and his democrat/rino/globalists collaborators didn’t get the level of carnage and deaths they expected from their scamdemic. Since the Roe-Wade determination they then put into effect their planned starvation tactics against babies who depend on formula. Joe Biden knew of this shortage since Jan/Feb 2022, then again in March 2022. The sinister-yet-very-unintelligent Joe Biden engineered this, make no mistake.

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