If you could spend the day with anyone you wanted, who would it be? – IOTW Report

If you could spend the day with anyone you wanted, who would it be?

If you could spend the day with anyone you wanted, who would it be?

67 Comments on If you could spend the day with anyone you wanted, who would it be?

  1. George Soros. I’d let every one of you spend 15 minutes trying to convince him to turn conservative. Or give all his money to Trump to distribute to every American taxpayer equally.

    What you do in your 15 minutes is your choice.

  2. I would say Donald Trump, but not for a few months. Right now he is getting so much done and I wouldn’t want to get in his way. I’m thinking a round of golf followed by dinner, he can bring Ivanka and Melania if he wants. He has too much to do for anything more than that.

  3. Shia Labeouf – why, because he doesn’t realize it, but his so called art show @ http://hewillnotdivide.us/ is from my perspective a full on Trump endorsement in disguise that really is saying, this man, President Donald J. Trump, Will Not Divide US, but will bring us all together as a greater union and republic. I love it when a plan comes together and the idiots that thought they were creating a protest in reality only created the greatest free advertisement for the man that they seem to not understand at all. but whats even greater is the fact that this is going to be going on for the next 4 friggin years 24 hours a day 7 days a week. haha, Fools!

  4. Live from Zombieland, New York. it’s the Shia LaBeouf Show. tonight’s guests are Jaden Smith, Shay Horse, and Katie Rich. with musical guests, Sweet Meteor O’Death.

  5. Not anyone from here, that’s for sure! It’d be like two people preaching to the same choir and it would turn into a competition. And that would require mass quantities of beer or scotch.

    Wait. On second thought, anyone from here would be interesting.

  6. Jesus would be my first choice. If he was busy I would probably go with MJA who for awhile I thought might be Diogenes Sarcastica under a pen name. But then looking at some of the dialog between them I’m thinking I would meet with one of them, they invite the other and the third person invites Jesus. Nothing said in this about not bringing a friend.
    You know using this idea we could bring the whole gang in together. Who wants to buy the first round.

  7. My grandmother Kate, who helped my mother survive a difficult childhood and who only saw me once as a baby before she passed. All I have to remember her are a couple of Christmas cards with her handwriting.

    Hey man, what are you looking at? Those aren’t tears, just a couple of beads of eye sweat

  8. My life has been touched by so many good and fine people who are no longer here to teach, counsel, comfort or encourage me.

    Try as I might, I cannot narrow my choice to one person over another. In time I will meet them again, of that I’m certain.

  9. All the great blues players, BBQ King, Etta James, Big Mama Thornton, Slim Harpo, playing nonstop. Would be nice if Elvis dropped by. One big Blues Festival.

  10. Assuming they don’t have to be alive I’d say Sir John A. McDonald one of the founders of Canada and it’s first Prime Minister. I gather he hit the bottle pretty good but was the smartest guy in the room and brought together a country.

  11. For the people who said BFH, you wasted your wish.
    If anyone wants to visit, be my guest.
    (Of course you will have to be vetted by the State Department.)

    You can watch me type on a computer and play golf and Texas Holdem.

  12. — Of those now gone:
    My Mom, my Dad, my grandparents whom I never knew, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Feynman, and my mentor who gave me great advice and changed my life for the better
    — Of those still here:
    Tough one! How ’bout Thomas Sowell, Dennis Prager, Betsy DeVos (to tell her we want the feds OUT of our schools), Bob Newhart, Daniel Hanaan, my first girlfriend

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