PickeringPost: Security agencies and police forces still insist that we keep the Muslim hierarchy on-side so that they can dob in their “radicalised” kids who are showing signs of terrorist activity.
Strange but it seems the families and mosques of these “radicalised” youths invariably insist on their innocence or they are actually involved in the same terrorist activity themselves.
The family of the Boston bombers were involved and claimed their sons were innocent. The parents of the San Bernardino killers were involved and in Australia it seems the parents are usually involved and claim innocence on behalf of the crazy kids.
How do you say, “He’s a good boy, and he didn’t do nuthin’?” in Arabic?
Bring an ax to a gun fight…..
Wait’ll they swap out to the MORE ADHERENT Imom from the calm, peaceful, America-loving, too westernized imom.