If You Think Donald Trump is Putin’s ‘Puppet’, You’re Wrong – IOTW Report

If You Think Donald Trump is Putin’s ‘Puppet’, You’re Wrong

8 Comments on If You Think Donald Trump is Putin’s ‘Puppet’, You’re Wrong

  1. For a puppet, what has Donald Trump done, made NATO cough up more money, unleash Jim Mattis on a bunch of Russian mercenaries and the Russian sponsored state of Syria, and from the Hill:

    “Just last April, the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.

    The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

    The sanctions were significant — among the toughest sanctions ever placed on individuals in a foreign country, with the exception of perhaps Iran and North Korea. Yet like many of Trump’s successes, it received minimal mainstream media coverage.”

    Time for the DNC to cough up the servers.

  2. She’d go far if only the USA “news” media, academia, and politics were not dominated by useless, lying, thieving, irrational, incompetent, seditious, race baiting, hate filled geeks, trolls and gender confused soy folk. Too bad for her and us that such is not the case.

    I’m sure I left out some other, appropriate adjectives…

  3. Civil war? The vets, military are mostly right wingers and most of us right wingers are armed to the teeth. Good luck 👍 leftists, the first think we would do is remove all bureaucrats from DC boot 👢 all the commies in the news media and our once great universities…

  4. Oh they’ll get their civil war. You want to know how it will start? They will give a limited amount of the lowest denomination a living wage.

    Shananay will throw her har down when she finds out Maria gets more free shit than her. That will be the tipping point.

  5. The left have become apoplectic.
    Trump is resolving problems at break neck speed and the left has discovered they really aren’t smart.
    It’s driving them crazy.

  6. I don’t know who that young woman is but she is pretty easy on my old eyes.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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