If You Think This is Caused By a “Lack of Funding for Education” You May Be a Libtard – IOTW Report

If You Think This is Caused By a “Lack of Funding for Education” You May Be a Libtard

HT/ Petrus

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The only thing that could make this video less disturbing is for me to say that this was actually a video made by conservative black activists who were performing a scripted piece to show the horrendous conditions of the inner-city classroom. (Yes, inner-city is code for progressive shIthole mired in black thug culture. You caught me dog-whistlin’, lefties.)

Only a lefty could watch this and say that what is needed is more funding. Only a lefty could view this and think that it’s been a lack of their political policy and influence that has wrought this.

Only a lefty could watch this and think that this is a product of the widening gap of wealth, and not the inverse- that the wealth gap is widening because the left is churning out worthless parasites that have no private marketability whatsoever.

These cretins have plenty of public/governmental marketability, and that may very well be the leftist puppet master’s plan – create this human crisis so that they can sell socialism/communism as the only viable solution.

By the way, I have no sympathy at all for the teacher. It’s a 99% certainty that this woman votes left.

Stew in it, democrap – you built this.

50 Comments on If You Think This is Caused By a “Lack of Funding for Education” You May Be a Libtard

  1. I saw this earlier today. Among other things, it’s disturbing that the teacher doesn’t appear to be afraid. This, a normal day in her life, isn’t teaching, school and/or education. Schools are holding pens for next generation antisocial miscreants. Anyone paying any kind of taxes is paying for it. The farce needs to be shut down.

    The Chicago school board http://www.cpsboe.org/about/bios along with President Karen, president Chicago Teachers Union should spend time in jail for this. And take Rahm Emanuel with them.

  2. That classroom needs a big guy like a bouncer. Anyone who gets out of line gets an immediate escort by the scruff of the neck down to the administration office for a little quiet sit-in-the-corner time. Would never happen……”racist” “assault/battery”

  3. Shhhh … we’re looking in on the feral thugs in their natural habitat … the shrieking and shrill screaming are actually ways they communicate – in a very basic form – hunger, thirst, anger, pleasure. No one has successfully translated their grunts and shrieks but the tenor of their meanings can be grasped by observing their actions …

  4. They’re evidently not using their energy to learn. Cut their families’ EBT and halve the (already pathetic) grub at the school cafeteria trough, and at least these little sociopaths wouldn’t have the energy to assault and torture at their expensive public daycare centers.

  5. What a fine, upstanding batch of honor roll students. Those big city folks sure are educated and civilized! No wonder they call me names for being some uncultured hick in flyover country. The future looks bright indeed!

  6. Responsible blacks should be even more outraged than whites about how liberal policies are destroying generations of black youth. I am not sure they are though. They certainly don’t show it with their voting record.

  7. Why even bother with school for these niggers? They’re costing Illinois taxpayers about $13,000/year apiece. And for what? It’s pretty much the state of public education across the country.

    The NEA doesn’t give a shit-they falsify test results, demand Common Core and crippling pensions and teach America is guilty and racist.

    And what of the few children that really do want an education? They’re fucked and again, the NEA does not care.

    Give everyone a voucher. If you’re the typical, single mother welfare mooch that could also could give a shit about your child’s education, so be it. I’m way past giving a shit. WAAAAAAAAY past.

    OTOH, if you do care about getting your child an education, you better believe there will be 100s of different types of schools opening to satisfy the demand to get a young adult some skills. Schools that wouldn’t tolerate for a fucking second, the kind of crap I saw in that video.

    I feel bad for that poor women but if she hasn’t voted the straight NEA line(Regressive) all her life, you could knock me over with a feather. These children are 6th and 7th generation welfare. They swim in an ocean of government dependance. Yet time after time, these low IQ morons return to their vomit.

  8. You said, “Responsible blacks”

    Good one dude, you’re talking about maybe 5% of the black population. Even most of the ones that would kick this punk’s ass into next week vote REgressive.

  9. First, I wouldn’t be as composed with fear as that teacher was.

    Second, I would walk over to the door and lock it,


    You fucking niggers (and y’all who I am talking about) just don’t understand how stupid you are, and there is a plethora of evidence to support my observation.

    You’ve all been spoiling for a race war for the past 50 years – and time is short, so you all better arm the fuck up and hone your marksmanship because whitey has had enough of working their asses off only to pay confiscatory taxes that is only used to take care of you worthless cretins. Once it starts, it’ll only end when WE decide it’s over – and not a nigger sooner.

    ….and that goes for you Muslim cocksuckers as well.

    Why am I unloading like this? Because moderation and political correctness is for cowards.

  10. This teacher was marching last week with the Black Lies Matter savages so fuck her. The chicago school teachers are the worst scumbags in America. I hate them all. Most teachers are liberal scumbags that deserve to have their heads bashed in.

  11. That was the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in a while.
    And I have no pity for that ‘teacher’! She’s only taking that bs because she’s not about to walk away from her cushy retirement.
    She’s as sick as those degenerate idiots!

  12. I disagree. The teacher puts up with this because she likely gets no support from parents, the administration, the community, or politicians. I have many friends and relatives who are in teaching, and while they start out gung ho, they soon learn that the cards are stacked against them. They can’t fail little Johnny or little Suzie because the parents (usually “parent” or “caregiver”) want them to get out of school and thus out of the house, and the administration needs to keep the grade point average up because school funding is tied to GPA and performance. Disciplining the little darlings entails a few meetings with the higher ups wherein the teacher is put under scrutiny, and the student is usually let off with a “now, don’t do that again.” Physical contact initiated by a teacher can lead to disciplinary action including suspension and termination. Many students have Individual Education Plans which mandate special privileges or prohibit teachers from giving them a grade lower than “C.”

    Notice that actually teaching these students anything is way down the list, if even on the list at all, and that the only person who may care about teaching these students is the teacher. Teachers are trained to educate young people, but when no one else cares, it is tough to fulfill this function. It is even difficult to reach students who actually do give a crap about learning, because too much time is required for discipline problems and good students tend to take care of themselves.

    I have long advocated a system where discipline problems can be permanently kicked out of school at at 16, or even 14 or 15. Quit wasting time with students who will never be educated, and focus on those students who want an education. School is a place for opportunity, but our society has decided for some insane reason that the government should force young people to learn when no one else really wants or expects that.

  13. I think your point could be made without saying “niggers.’
    It’s an inflammatory word that shuts off the conversation from the start.
    Black people hear the word coming from white people and they, rightly so, believe the person thinks that black people are all alike.

    Avoid the word and avoid this confusion.
    Avoid the confusion and your points get heard.

  14. I agree that the statement “Black Lives Matter” makes it sound like you’re saying ALL black lives matter – which is clearly stupid.
    Conversely, many black lives do matter, very much so.
    And all white lives don’t matter.
    In my kingdom, civil society would still have a cross-section of skin color.
    Skin is not my criteria. Brain matter is.

  15. I agree. Using that particular word, especially under a pseudonym, sets all of us up to look like aren’t attempting serious conversation about very real problems. Ask yourself…if you were posting under your real name, would you still do it? Maybe so. I wouldn’t.

    Also, use of that particular epithet also assumes that IOTW doesn’t have or isn’t concerned for their black readers and contributors, when we all know they have both.

    I think there is a very rich vein to be mined in the discussion of the races and the wrongheaded policies that plague us.

    And it’s okay to be angry. We all are.

    But I don’t think an argument that can be dismantled by somebody else asking if you’re dressed in sheets and a hood as you post moves the ball forward at all.


  16. That’s one side of the argument and of course the rational blacks, Regressive or conservative, feel exactly as you describe.

    Frankly I don’t give a shit. I’m not trying to get any of them on my side of the fence. I’m not trying to have a conversation, those days are looong gone. 95% of them are a cancer on this society. The other 5% are stand up people and I feel for them. I occasionally see them trying to speak to their community but it’s a mouse screaming in a tornado.

    The lines are drawn. Not many will change sides in the coming conflict.

    In the meantime, I avoid them whenever possible. There are ALWAYS problems when there’s more then a sprinkling of them in your neighborhood.

    Don’t blame me, at one time, I had more friends then just about any white person you’ve ever met. Now? Bah.

  17. This feels unreal. Like it’s an exercise or something. IMHO The behavior of the kids is so over the top it feels staged. While the non-reaction of the teacher is also completely unreal. She also doesn’t seem to care that she’s being videoed and neither do the kids.
    If I had to guess and assuming this isn’t somehow real – this could be a “boiler room” exercise where a teacher is put through a simulation of the very worst that could happen so that they can gauge how she handles the situation.
    Her reaction seems like she just finished a seminar in “crisis de-escalation” which is a hot new trend among professional consultant types. It’s the sort of thing a city like Chicago would go in for. I’ve seen violent outbreaks in classrooms before and the behavior of everyone involved in this video doesn’t fit.
    Also the kids look too clean cut. Like they’re actors.
    Just my two cents.

  18. I had an uncle, dead now, who “taught” his whole life for Chicago Public Schools. He openly admitted that his last 20 years (and he retired way back in the 80’s) was basically like this. He would draw an imaginary line for the ‘students” in front of his desk, and say “anything you animals do for the rest of this period, keep on your side of the line. You don’t want to learn, so have at it”, and then he would proceed to read his Sun-Times. Disgusting, i know.

    He described teachers like this on a regular basis. It’s almost like Stockholm Syndrome or something like it. It’s a deeply sick relationship. They are Wardens, and yet they are also prisoners to the Progressive cause, trying to wait out the years until their pensions kick in.

    There is not, nor has there been for many, many years, any “teaching” going on in the CPS.

    This is just another way station for the young criminal and his societal enablers in training for his journey to the Big House.

  19. Watching this made me sick. I would love to be in that room with a nine iron and beat the shit out of that guy in the red shirt. I mean beat him to pulp. There, I just drop kicked the cat right out the patio door. Now I feel better. Yes I am home alone.

  20. Only with God will they find their value and spiritual strength ( not black liberation theology, either!), and the rest, will take care of itself.
    Example: Black dude submitting to a police officer.
    Race hate would diminish.
    Understanding would expand.
    Higher expectations would arise.

  21. No doubt you’re right in the real classroom. But I don’t think this particular video shows the real classroom. Rather a simulation of how bad a Chicago classroom can be. Also I just saw at Gateway Pundit that the school in question is saying that the video is not current that it was shot several years ago.

  22. Frankly I don’t give a shit. I’m not trying to get any of them on my side of the fence. >>>

    I am. I’m trying to get everyone on my side of the fence. I think it’s the correct side of the fence, good for everyone.
    If the two sides of the political spectrum are finite and set in stone, then what the heck are we doing?

    CJ Pearson, for instance, is quite the young man, considering he probably has witnessed “conservatives” calling blacks niggers and “not wanted” in the tent.

    I’d say he’s a much better, stronger man, at 13 years of age, than lots of ignorant white “men.”

  23. I have the same suspicion. That’s why I wrote “The only thing that could make this video less disturbing is for me to say that this was actually a video made by conservative black activists who were performing a scripted piece to show the horrendous conditions of the inner-city classroom.”

  24. Wow. That brought back memories of working in the public school system just outside Boston. I dealt with ‘special needs’ students, whose needs were defined by behavioral – as opposed to organic – problems. The first thing that comes to mind whenever I see ‘children’ acting like this is there is no father in the home, and barely a mother.

    First thing that sub needed to do (I didn’t watch to the end) was to take out those earrings. I understand re-attachment surgery is a bit expensive, even with gold-plated insurance. Who am I kidding? Work-related injury.

    The snowthugs will act like this and worse as long as they are let to. Isn’t it all about no consequence? Bastard dems. They broke it, and everyone’s paying for it.

  25. Try riding the el with these guys/gals. Your ears bleed from their inability to speak at normal volume. End of the Line!!! omg! That’s when the poo flingers get it on! FUCK THEM… I’m so glad I don’t have to put with that BS anymore. I live with HUMANS now. So glad!!

  26. Anyone notice how empty that class room was?

    There were, what maybe six students in there, total? Either most of the registered students are skipping class on a regular basis or this was something like a quarantine where they put the worst in one classroom.

    Maybe the school district is trying to get rid of this particular teacher this way.

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