If You Want to See “Street Takeover” A-holes Get Instant CARma, This Video is For You – IOTW Report

If You Want to See “Street Takeover” A-holes Get Instant CARma, This Video is For You

Warning- Graphic

ht/ joe 6 pack

The median IQ of the people involved is, ironically, the speed limit.

39 Comments on If You Want to See “Street Takeover” A-holes Get Instant CARma, This Video is For You

  1. I could hear screaming at the end, so I am hoping that there was at least one survivor. I have done similar stupid shit 50+ yrs. ago, but for some reason was luckier than these kids. The driver is probably ok in this incident, and will have a lifetime to regret this dumb ass stunt.

  2. Angus
    “Luckier”? Maybe. Smarter? Definitely. Nobody our age group was fing stupid enough to do donuts in something that top heavy and then just to make sure we got hurt raise that center line even higher with 800 pounds of morons

  3. I had a friend get killed in a similar way. He was on a residential street, decided to put his Jeep Wrangler (no doors) in reverse and hit the gas. Lost control and it rolled and pinned him underneath. Sixteen years old. First time I ever lost someone close.

  4. Oh man. This is so terribly tragic. So young. No one in their short lives ever took them aside and said, “Listen to me. There are some things you’re going to think about doing that can kill you outright. You won’t get a do-over, not even close. And if you’re high or drinking, the chances of that happening just went up a hundred fold.”

  5. I saw someone the other day make a comment that people drive around now like they’re playing Super Mario Cart.

    There’s a lot to that, but folks apparently don’t understand that there’s no “1 Up”.

  6. “people drive around now like they’re playing Super Mario Cart.”

    True to a point. But I see way more near misses caused by tentative indecisive drivers. If you can’t figure out who goes first at a four way stop fine I’ll go. And be sure and flip me off as you’re all staring at each other.

  7. The N scholars know best. Always grab someone and toss them around after they’ve suffered a crushing spinal injury. This ruined their entire night. They never even got a chance to chase down a random white pedestrian and beat them into a coma. What a tragic loss for the future of America this will be.

  8. Cultural appropriation come with a price apparently.

    There’s a new commercial out, maybe Burger King, where a coupe black guys are in the back of a car finding it impossible to get a bite of this yummy hamburger because the driver is busy drifting and doing donuts. I’m wondering if they consider that responsible advertising?

  9. Anyone saying they had a similar story or what not, I disagree. The mishap might have been the same, but I am sure as shit you didn’t shut down a neighborhood and take over the street.
    That is why I have no sympathy. This is not hijinks. This is thuggery. Anyone that complains gets their head caved in.

  10. I agree on that BFH, when we used to do stupid shit with cars we did it hidden away… because it was fucking illegal.

    We used to race the clock on a road in Calvert that went from nowhere to nowhere.

    We didn’t just go in circles and make noise. We were serious about driving. An excellent driver with a mediocre car will beat a fast car with a mediocre driver.

    As time went on we fell out with the hillbilly crew. They talked engines when we talked driving.

  11. I was a street racer growing up. My bad. We’re talking late 70’s early 80’s. When people were killed we killed our own. A very different culture most here would not understand. We were like modern gunslingers with really fast cars. In the long run really fing stupid. But I refuse to get involved with these assholes. It’s all about black assholes trying to exert their control over us. Even though these clowns weren’t black. It’s an extension of their fxcked up culture.

  12. Brad
    MONDAY, 18 DECEMBER 2023, 19:22 AT 7:22 PM
    “But I see way more near misses caused by tentative indecisive drivers.”

    Also true. My favorite is the driver who moves well into an intersection, then realizes the light turned red when it’s practically over his head and stops THERE, blocking one or more lanes of cross traffic. Sometimes the light has to go through a complete cycle before he’ll move, creating an even BIGGER mess because cross traffic pulled forwards at this point. Gotta watch that guy then, he gets pretty unpredictable when surrounded by honking people flipping him off.

    I was taught in emergency operations that once you’ve taken the decision to take the intersection to do so with authority, as hesitancy was just going to cause confusion. It did help when you were doing so in a sneeringly red multi-ton screaming civic vehicle with more flashy lights on it than a Taylor Swift concert, but the principle applies regardless.

    Even that doesn’t always help. I was in my POV one time going to the firehouse and was at the final intersection literally right next to it when a guy couldn’t figure out what to do in the left turn lane of a divided highway with a red light before him, traffic stopped (for me) in EVERY direction, a squalling flashing deuce and a quarter Buick behind him, an ambulance on the apron on the corner, and a flashing light saying “WATCH FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES” over him.

    My signal controller came with a little-used PA microphone that used the siren speaker as a megaphone, which I used enthusiastically to ORDER this idiot VERBALLY through the intersection. He finally responded, taking off like a frightened rabbit and bucket bucketing off towards the far horizon at Wartime Emergency Power, and probably kept running until his gas gave out, I don’t know because I had other things to do, but at least he didn’t hit anyone else that I ever heard of.

    And this was way back when folks mostly spoke English and they didn’t hand out drivers licenses along with voter registrations as a reward for jumping the border, so it’s probably 10 times worse now. I think the driver’s license handbook only says “DONT DRINK THE BATTERY ACID” in 47 languages now and leaves it at that, or at least that’s what I see on the other side of my windshield…


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