If you’re a fan of awkwardness, this clip of Burt Reynolds and Mark Summers will do – IOTW Report

If you’re a fan of awkwardness, this clip of Burt Reynolds and Mark Summers will do

And if you need a chaser–>

8 Comments on If you’re a fan of awkwardness, this clip of Burt Reynolds and Mark Summers will do

  1. Seemed believable until the pies showed up, which is what Marc was famous for on Nick at the time. Marc could have easily made a bad toupee joke if this was serious.

  2. @The Gunny: I agree, it kinda looked pre-planned to me at first, too, but Summers said it wasn’t. Apparently Burt was in a bad mood and felt he should have been more a part of Summers’ conversation with Leno than he was. The Berle/Pryor dustup was definitely real, though, and there was a lot more to it than just the one laugh by Pryor.

    You can read the entire exchange of words here:


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