Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away – IOTW Report

Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away


By Stella Morabito

If nothing else, conservatives must all be on board with addressing the disastrous crisis of trust this election has produced.

Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media.

Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come.

Any way you slice it, the numbers are disturbing. And we all feel in our gut that November’s election was the weirdest in America’s history. You needn’t be a Trump voter to be disturbed by obvious peculiarities. Then there’s the lack of ability to publicly audit voting machines, the lack of transparency during counting processes, and more.

While Trump’s legal team may not have had the time to investigate, bring, or win many non-procedural arguments, these concerns still matter to the public and deserve investigation. For a thorough run-down of the many glaring anomalies generating public concern, see the 36-page report by Peter Navarro, director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. Or Willis Krumholz’s well-researched piece at The Federalist or this tongue-in-cheek Twitter thread.

The more invested Big Media and Big Tech are in driving their preferred narratives into our brains, the more reason we have to distrust them. Their immediate labeling as “disputed” of any fraud reporting feels like they doth protest too much.

Their constant claim that election fraud is “extremely rare” is as laughable as claiming that human beings would never in a million years cheat when the prize is power. Spare us. The crisis of trust in America feels deeper than ever before.

Obvious Contempt for Conservative Americans

The essence of conservatism is to conserve principles of due process and the rule of law. Those values are essential for avoiding chaos and tyranny. So why would anyone identifying as conservative ignore the innumerable oddities revealed since November 3?

Even the editorial board of the supposedly conservative New York Post in telling President Trump to “give it up” would not squarely address the central concern: auditability of votes and transparency. Its ad hominem argumentation included the Pravda-esque line “Sidney Powell is a crazy person.” MORE HERE

17 Comments on Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away

  1. …doesn’t matter.

    Joe Biden will be appointed president by Democrats.

    Ratified by Establishment Republicans who don’t want to govern but rather get a payday by being pretend opposition.

    And with that any pretense to having any electoral say dies.

    A few will rise up, only to be imprisoned or killed. Not enough to matter and with no coordination.

    Just enough to create a pretense for an Australian style gun grab.

    Then, with no nation left to oppose it, international communism will indeed rule all, led by China and their genocidal agenda.

    …then the REAL killings will begin…

  2. Bill Clinton, at a press conference in January 1995, stated that he realized that he lost 52 seats in the House mainly because of his sponsorship of the “Assualt Weapons” ban of 93. That was mainly gun owners who rose up to vote OUT democrats in 1994 elections! Just think what will happen to the Democrats in the 2022 mid-terms with 70-80 million pissed off Republican “Trumpers” show up!!! The anti-trumpers and soyboys won’t even show up! It will be a slaughter!!!

  3. Unslung, we could have 200,000,000 voters go to the polls but it won’t matter if we can’t stop the voter fraud. It appears we have been so corrupted that legal votes don’t matter.

  4. You needn’t be a Trump voter to be disturbed by obvious peculiarities.

    These articles always say that. Leftists do not care and do not want to know about anything ‘peculiar’ They are happy and tell themselves we are stupid. They don’t know what they don’t know and don’t want to know!!! I actually had a leftist say that to me a couple days ago. My side won and I don’t want to know!!!

  5. Nearly half thinking there was fraud means that over half don’t think there was.

    To put it another way, less than half of voters think there was fraud involved in Biden’s win.

  6. OK I gotta say something, and it’s off topic:

    For those of you whose comments are disappearing because of the word “socialism”, know that we did NOT ban that word.
    If it is banned, it ain’t done by us. So just type the word with a space or a period in it til I can figure this shit out.

  7. “To put it another way, less than half of voters think there was fraud involved in Biden’s win.”

    Doesn’t matter. We will preserve the Republic from Communists at all costs. If you desire Social ism there’s a shit load of existing countries for you to relocate to. Please do it.

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