Ignoring Parents’ Pleas for Privacy, Chicago Area High School Prepares to Allow Boys Access to Girls’ Locker Room – IOTW Report

Ignoring Parents’ Pleas for Privacy, Chicago Area High School Prepares to Allow Boys Access to Girls’ Locker Room

Megan Fox for PJ Media-

Palatine High School, outside of Chicago, has been battling parents for the last four years to put boys in the girls’ locker room. The school board held the first of several readings of a new policy Thursday evening and listened to public comment, which was overwhelmingly against allowing transgender students unfettered access to sex-specific spaces. Parent after parent told the board that their students are uncomfortable undressing in front of the opposite sex. But these days, only the comfort and privacy of transgender children counts, as the ACLU of Illinois confirms in a statement they gave to the Chicago Tribune.

“After years of resisting, we are pleased to see the district’s leadership has recognized that students who are transgender deserve to be treated fairly and equally in every way, and deserve dignity and respect in all aspects of their lives,” said ACLU attorney Ghirlandi Guidetti. “We look forward to District 211 joining the roster of schools across Illinois who provide this fair treatment for all of their students.”


20 Comments on Ignoring Parents’ Pleas for Privacy, Chicago Area High School Prepares to Allow Boys Access to Girls’ Locker Room

  1. Just more evidence of the degeneration and collapse of our nation and Western culture.

    A sign of the times we are now in, the season is upon us.

    I don’t expect America to be around much longer so keep in mind that old saying about “the higher you are the farther you fall”.

    We became the highest of nations and the fall from that great height is going to be a very unpleasant event, be ready for it.

  2. m and WW,
    My thought exactly. Another data point for pulling your impressionable offspring out of government cess skrool (h/t Rush L) and start home schooling them. Even if you have to pool together neighborhood resources to make it work well. (Monday Mrs K for math, Tuesday Mr S for English, …….)

  3. Michael Loehrer SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 AT 9:09 AM
    Wise up, folks. Send your kids to religious schools. The tuition one pays more than makes up for this nonsense.

    Problem with that one is when they come to “integrate” that school…

    This is in my backyard and as pointed out the only solution that seems to appear is HOME SCHOOLING. Luckily my two were out of this moras before it went total berserk.

    Sad what we’ve become…

  4. Weirdness aside (in other words: the sexual desires of the pervs pushing this): this is all about destroying the minds of young people. Same with global warming/cooling/climate change.

  5. Chromosomes do not lie. XX = Female, XY = Male.

    If you want to pretend and enable these people with severe mental illness to be sexual freaks that says a lot about your stupidity and gullibility.

    The problem is solved by having these confused perverts use a separate facility. They are the outliers.

  6. They elected the freaks, now they get to play by their rules. Quit your crying and grow up, pay attention to where you vote; if you vote.

    Letting the left run anything leads to complete corruption.

  7. Braden Lynch SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 AT 1:06 PM
    Mm SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 AT 2:27 PM

    They offered separate facilities, but that was “discriminatory.”
    Elected? Some actually tried to be reasonable… Lawsuits, lawsuits, Lawsuits
    American Communist Losers Union

    Gotta go, check back later…


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