Ilhan Omar Claims Only Rich People Wanting To “Exploit Workers” Want Economy Reopened – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Claims Only Rich People Wanting To “Exploit Workers” Want Economy Reopened


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Wednesday suggested that “far too many” of the individuals who are desperately urging officials to reopen the economy so they can resume earning a living and recover from economic hardship are not actually “workers.”

“Far too many of the people who want to prematurely reopen the economy aren’t workers, but the powerful and wealthy — those who benefit most from exploiting workers’ labor,” Omar proclaimed. More

20 Comments on Ilhan Omar Claims Only Rich People Wanting To “Exploit Workers” Want Economy Reopened

  1. so sick of that term ‘workers’ … it denotes non-skilled labor, a worker bee, a drone … it’s what the collectivist want … we need to know our place!

    ThePeoplesCube had it right … ‘You are reported as ThoughtCriminal #2948208667.
    Report to the nearest train station … & don’t forget your shovel’

  2. “…Far too many of the people who want to prematurely reopen the economy aren’t workers, but the powerful and wealthy — those who benefit most from exploiting workers’ labor,” Omar proclaimed.

    “The wealthy have a history of putting luxury over workers’ livelihoods, and this crisis is no different…”

    Let me restate what she really was saying:

    “…Far too many of the people who want to keep the economy shut down aren’t workers, but the powerful and wealthy totalitarian ruling class — those who benefit most from exploiting workers’ labor,” Omar proclaimed.

    “The totalitarian ruling class have a history of putting their own luxury demands over workers’ livelihoods, and this crisis is no different…”

    There, now that makes more sense.

  3. It’s too bad that there’s no pain involved if you’re stupid.

    That’s always part of my reaction to stories like the earlier one about the White House Gift Shop. My reaction to this story about Ilhan Omar Elmi is that it’s too bad stupidity of this degree isn’t lethal.

  4. Why do we suffer this sick little
    3rd world lo IQ freak??? What an embarressment.
    She and ALL the other 3rd world dirt bags
    will never be Americans. Kick ‘Em out.

  5. What would she know about “workers”?

    This con artiste has lived off the taxpayer dime since she and her extended family barged in. College paid for by you and me as well.

    She’s still grifting off of us.

  6. @Tony R –
    “…While it’s true, IQ-wise she is far below that of the average U.S. citizen, she is not much dumber than any other democrat congress person…”

    Let me add one additional fact: “…she is not much dumber than any other democrat congress person… or democrat voter.”

  7. The body count for the Ramadan-Bombathon is already over 125. Anyone ask this POS about the fact that some people did something?

    Maybe it’s time to flatten that curve?

  8. And only liberal asshats like this want to see Trump’s economy collapse, and damn the carnage.
    It’s bad enough we import complete scoundrels; do we really have to give them an elected office and a soapbox for their hairbrained agenda as well?


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