Ilhan Omar Pissed At Biden Admin’s Recommitment to Trump’s Border Wall – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Pissed At Biden Admin’s Recommitment to Trump’s Border Wall

What’s she gonna do about it? Send a horde of skinny-necked Somali pirates to Biden’s office?

Trending Politics-

The uber-leftists of “The Squad” are not happy that Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, is suggesting new wall construction could begin again after the president signed an executive order first-thing upon his arrival in the Oval Office.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., railed against the Biden administration for even suggesting it would resort to former President Donald Trump’s border wall strategy even as the White House continues to struggle with a massive migrant surge. more

8 Comments on Ilhan Omar Pissed At Biden Admin’s Recommitment to Trump’s Border Wall

  1. She’s pissed. She always is, just like every liberal. They wake up pissed, they go through their day pissed & they go to bed pissed. The cycle repeats all day, everyday.


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