Illegal Alien Beats Two-Year-Old Child Near Death – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Beats Two-Year-Old Child Near Death

Now Walking Around On Bond

I never quite understand the position of affording illegal aliens U.S. constitutional rights, when they are illegal to begin with.  Seriously, what makes the protection of U.S. constitutional law applicable to an illegal entrant.


23 Comments on Illegal Alien Beats Two-Year-Old Child Near Death

  1. If anything, U.S. immigration law — if every level of law enforcement were allowed by obama to do their jobs — would have made it impossible for these criminals to be in a position to harm, maim and murder American citizens. The main function of our government is to protect the lives and rights of the American people. This is unjustifiable and anyone who tries to justify it is a traitor to this nation.

  2. But a thirty-four month old fetus isn’t a human yet, it’s just a collection of cells!

    More seriously, this again proves that nothing, nothing is more important to statists than protecting these future democratic voters. I’m sickened, but that seems to be all too common these days.

  3. 1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

    2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

    3WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, truce breakers, false accusers, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, despisers of those that are good,

    4Traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

    5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

    * * *

    Food for thought, please bear with me:

    “Without natural affection” literally means “devoid of natural love and affection.”

    “Incontinent” literally means “lacking self-control, inclined to excess.”

    “Fierce” literally means “savage, brutal.”

    Such describes the man in this report, who brutally, lovelessly murdered a small child. Also recall the story from a few weeks ago of the abortionist who insists he’s doing the Lord’s work. Several hundred such stories can be cited from just a week’s worth of world news.

    We know that mankind has always exemplified the traits warned of by Paul, so some will say “So what? Nothing new there.”

    But the apostle says (a) such will be a defining sign of the last days, right in line with Christ’s prediction of rampant lawlessness repeating the days of Noah, and (2) that the people so described will ALSO be religious — “having a form of godliness.” I believe this is the key to the passage.

    Paul would never count the idolatrous pagan religions of his day as “having a form of godliness,” since such has always been utterly godless and divinely rejected as such. This indicates that many people in the end times will tend to lay claim to the only thing that counts as true godliness — belonging to Christ, or believing Him, or trusting Him, or honoring Him, or at least belonging to this or that church which claims to represent Him — even though their wickedness belies their claims to Him.

    The point: the majority of criminals in, and coming into, our society have been Christianized to some degree. Most are not truly Christians because they have “denied the power thereof,” which is the Gospel of the grace of God, the only power that can save and make them anew. So they are what they are: mere professors with a false skin or veneer of godliness, which is hypocrisy, as proved by their wicked works. We are told three separate times (in Galatians, 1 Corinthians and Ephesians) that such WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God; that means such whose lives are marked by the behaviors described above are not Christ’s.

    And here we are, in the exact situation foretold in the Bible: a decaying Christianized society that increasingly allows, tolerates, invites and even rewards iniquity and wickedness.




    If the Bible is not divinely inspired as it claims to be, it is the most astoundingly incisive and improbable collection of correct guesses in all of human history.

  4. “Now Walking Around On Bond”

    He better turn himself in soon or he will have to grow extra eyes to watch his back. You know that patriots are fed up with our government and will take justice into their own hands. They won’t even leave one piece of this turd for anyone to find.

    “No, we haven’t seen him. He must have gone back south of the border.”

  5. EXCELLENT comment, grool.

    I pray daily that God’s will be done. Since he has not told me that, yes indeed, this is the end, I will also continue to pray for deliverance for our country.

  6. Grool — Fabulous! Thanks so much! I don’t usually like reading stuff about the end times because no one knows the hour and every generation can usually lay claim to how hideous their particular times are, but man-oh-man!

  7. AA,

    You are 100% correct. While none can know the day or hour, we don’t need to. All we’re expected to do is discern the trends foretold for the benefit of those with eyes to see it approaching (such as Paul’s list above), and walk in His Spirit as we patient wait for Him to set EVERYTHING right. 🙂

  8. I want to see Trump’s wall built so high it affects the weather
    If they build a tunnel, throw the diggers in an fill it with cement.
    Hopefully in the future, being caught in the US Illegally means your sentence is to work on the wall, or one of the work farms built to supply the wall builders

  9. AA,

    I posted too fast. Yes, every generation can lay claim to its own evils, but only in the past few hundred years can we see such a (generally) moralized/religious/Christianized population spread among the whole world AND that very same population tending toward iniquity, faithlessness, falseness and unrepentance. That has never happened before (in fact COULDN’T happen until relatively recently). For me, that’s THE big difference.

  10. Grool,

    Right you are! I honestly don’t know what to make of rappers and jailbirds with the cross of Jesus tattooed on them (usually the biggest tattoo on them). Of course their are those, too, who claim they are “spiritual” but deny Christ.

  11. Claudia, I was just wondering where Charles Bronson was when we need him. Maybe we can all contribute to a Go Fund Me where someone will do the job of righting these wrongs.

  12. True, AA, but don’t leave out all the upright people in every brand of church, those who attend at least every Sunday, tithe regularly, do good works, etc, but in private (or not so private) their thoughts if not their words and deeds are marked by the above.

    What I’m saying is…MANY very religious and externally upright people also have only “the appearance of godliness” because they, too, deny the Power thereof. They do not believe Christ took their entire sin debt with Him when He died and left their sins in the grave when He was resurrected for their justification. And so it was foretold of them as well: “MANY will say to me on that Day, ‘Lord, didn’t we [fill in the blank]?” And He will say “Depart from Me, I never knew ye.” They think they knew Him mainly because of what they DO, but He does not know them.

  13. So he either posted $100K bond on a $1mill bail, or $10K bond on a $100K bail.
    Either way, dat’sa lotta moola.
    And also notice that he’s skipped. Nice “holding” San Luis Opiss’po. Obviously a leftist Libtard “Sanctuary City”. How’s that working out for ya?

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