Illegal Alien Minors Helping Fuel Growth of America’s Most Dangerous Gangs – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Minors Helping Fuel Growth of America’s Most Dangerous Gangs

DML: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has decided they should start vetting more carefully the “sponsors” who come forward to take custody of unaccompanied illegal alien minors – they might be gang members.

Over a quarter million illegal alien “unaccompanied children” have been apprehended at the U.S. border during the last six years – 227,149 according to U.S. Border Patrol reports.  Many of these youth end up being recruited by gangs, such as MS-13, reports Fox News.   Some of the minors are “fresh recruits” and other are hardened “sleepers”, using the system to get into the country, while some were already infiltrated into the gangs before they every entered the U.S.

Andrea Helling, spokeswoman for the HHS, said, “Our safety standards have increased.  In the last few months screening procedures of children and sponsors has increased in their intensity which we hadn’t done previously.”

According to federal law, all unaccompanied illegal “children” under age 18 who are caught at the border must be assigned to the HHS department until they can be matched up with a relative or sponsor.  Many are reportedly “loosely supervised youths lacking in language and coping skills” who are quickly recruited by criminal gang members.  MORE

6 Comments on Illegal Alien Minors Helping Fuel Growth of America’s Most Dangerous Gangs

  1. Idiots like these are what populates our beaurocaracys.
    Idiocracy wasn’t a how to movie.
    Remember when Clinton goons terrorized an underage Cuban to send him home?
    Good times.

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