Illegal Alien Voting – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Voting

State Department investigation provides insight on Democrats’ imported electorate.


A sign in Spanish which translates, “Don’t Lose Your Voice, Vote!” is displayed near a polling place in a Cardenas supermarket in Las Vegas on June 10, 2016. (Associated Press) **FILE**

FrontPage: President Donald Trump estimated that three to five million illegals had caused him to lose the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton carried by 2.8 million votes. Trump duly launched a commission on voter fraud headed by vice president Mike Pence and Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach. That probe had Democrats bellowing through their bullhorns.

“There’s simply no evidence of widespread voter fraud in this country. Period.” That was California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, 84, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who is seeking another term next year. As it happens, Hillary Clinton’s popular vote victory was entirely due to California, where she got more than 4.3 million votes than Trump. Could any of those votes been fraudulent?  California’s secretary of state Alex Padilla won’t let anybody see the data.

“California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, the Vice President, and Mr. Kobach,” Padilla said in a  statement. “The President’s Commission is a waste of taxpayer money and a distraction from the real threats to the integrity of our elections today: aging voting systems and documented Russian interference in our elections.”

As Fusion GPS confirms, the Russian interference tilted to Hillary’s side. As that story plays out, an investigation by the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service has turned up evidence about how illegals do in fact vote.

Based on that investigation, a federal grand jury in Sacramento recently returned a nine-count indictment against Gustavo Araujo Lerma, 62, and his wife Maria Eva Velez, 64. Araujo is charged with aggravated identity theft, passport fraud, conspiracy to commit unlawful procurement of naturalization and citizenship, and five counts of voting by an alien.

As the court has documented, Araujo applied for U.S. passports under the assumed identity of Hiram Enrique Velez, a deceased U.S. citizen “whose identity Araujo fraudulently used for over 25 years.” During that time, the Mexican national obtained legal permanent resident status and ultimately U.S. citizenship for Velez, his wife. The couple had previously married in Mexico but did so again in Los Angeles in 1992 under the fake identity. This allowed Velez illegally to obtain status as the purported wife of a U.S. citizen.  read more

11 Comments on Illegal Alien Voting

  1. What really chaps my ass is the attitude these scum have. They make demands on our welfare, educational, and medical systems as well as illegally vote against our interests. Brassy little phucks.

  2. I hope they get a prison sentence that at their age would esencially be life without parole. Have them die in prison then ship the bodies back to Mexico or whatever country they came from.

  3. The infuriating thing is the democrats have gone out of their way to not only make illegal voting easy, but then they throw the race card at you to shut you up.

    I don’t believe that obama legitimately won either of his elections. Can’t prove it.
    It’s difficult for even professionals to unravel this, as each and every instance requires a separate investigation and prosecution. It’s an intentional Gordian knot created by politicians who labor tirelessly to further weaken voter ID.

  4. Illegal’s and fraudulent voting has been going on in Nevada at least since I moved there in 1990. That’s how one-eyed Harry got in. Clinton opened the flood-gates for illegals back in ’95-’96 and Clark County(Las Vegas) and Washoe County (Reno) have been turning blue ever since. (not to mention the skyrocketing crime rates). This past election, they were bussing in illegals voters from CA. which is why PDT did not get our Electoral votes. Aside from mandatory sentences for anyone caught voting illegally, we need to initiate an Electoral College for each state. Why should two populous counties control the vote for an ENTIRE state ??

  5. If the concept of illegal voting has already been debunked you would think they would want to release more information that would debunk it even further to to show that Trump does not know what he is talking about. The fact that they do not want to release further information can only lead to one logical conclusion.

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