Illegal Aliens Present Their Bill of Rights – IOTW Report

Illegal Aliens Present Their Bill of Rights

Wash Times –

“We know we have human rights, even though our very presence is deemed illegal and our existence alien. Now we have our own Bill of Rights and we want it to be the framework for every immigration decision going forward from the local to the national level,” the group said in a statement announcing their demands.

The 10 points include a demand that they be accorded respect; calls for citizenship rights and an immediate deferment of deportations; in-state tuition at public colleges; “wage equality”; medical care; and protection against deportation if illegal immigrants report a crime as a witness.


43 Comments on Illegal Aliens Present Their Bill of Rights

  1. Did you know “listen” and “silent” use the same letters?

    …or did you know that the word “racecar” spelled backwards still spells “racecar”?

    And that “eat” is the only word that if you take the first letter and move it to the last, it spells its past tense “ate”?

    Have you noticed that if you rearrange the letters in “illegal immigrants,” and add just a few more letters, it spells: “Go home you free-loading, benefit- grabbing, resource-sucking, non-English-speaking assholes and take those other hairy-faced, sandal-wearing, bomb-making, camel-riding, goat-shagging, raggedy-ass bastards with you.

  2. You have the right to leave our country, if you cannot afford to leave on your own we will assist you free of charge.
    You have the right to take all of your relatives with you, if you cannot afford this we will assist you free of charge.
    You have the right to apply for citizen ship through the proper channels and wait your turn like everyone else, if you do not wish to do this, then you have the right to stay in the hell-hole you came from.

  3. KMA, illegals! What part of illegal don’t you understand? If you’re illegal you’re not entitled to anything but common decency and courtesy. Anything beyond that you get squat. Why should we bend over backwards to give them more rights than we do our own citizens. Something is bass ackwards here and it ain’t right. If that makes me uncaring and unconcerned about them, so be it. We’re not the dumping grounds for every minority from anywhere and every where in the world just because some dipshit elite says so just so they can assuage their guilty conscience. If you come here illegally we have every right to kick you out and deport you back to wherever you came from. Sorry Charlie, Pedro, Ahkmed etc. it works both ways, we don’t want you here illegally and your country wherever the hell you’re from probably feels the same about us or worse if we tried to get into your country illegally.

  4. Fine. You can have all of that. You can become citizens. But you can’t vote. Ever. Neither can your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. (This stipulation can never be removed but can be modified to include future generations past the fifth.) You and they are completely out of the decision making process when it comes to politics in this country. You and they are never allowed to be paid from any public treasury. That is, no gov’t aid and you can never hold a gov’t job; elected, appointed, or otherwise. If you are such a benefit to this country, then prove it by being part of the private sector and never be a leech on society.

    You have one year to find a job just like the ones citizens have. You have to have payroll taxes deducted, social security, etc. If you don’t do this (and there is ZERO gov’t aid in the interim), we take your DNA and kick you out. If you are found in the country again, the Air Force drops you off in Honduras and you can experience first hand what your own country does to illegal aliens crossing it’s southern border.

    Or you can just GTFO of our country and stay in your third world shithole instead of turning ours into a typical socialist nightmare.

  5. wouldn’t you love to see such commitment from these illegals to go back home and bring their list of rights to their own government.

    they leave their shithole countries like cowards and then have the balls to petition the country they are invading for rights.

    pathetic pieces of shit.

  6. Early in my recruiting career there was a mass migration of southern Caliphornians to the NW, seeking and finding high-paying tech jobs. I always asked them, “Why Seattle?” and they — to a person — would always reply, “Quality of life.” About a year in, I got sick of getting this answer. I was a Washington native, born and raised, and I could see the handwriting as they say. Sure enough, we now have a socialist city council and we are a sanctuary city for every kind of nut job out there. Even ten years ago it felt like the Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars.

    I got mad one day and asked the job-seeker (who said he was a proud native of his CA town), “Why, if your quality of life is so bad down there, don’t you stay and change things?” His answer: “We just want a clean slate, a fresh start in a place where things aren’t so messed up.” Well, you know the end of the story.

    It’s the same thing for these illegals. They don’t want to change anything except America’s way of life. They come from third-rate countries with their third-rate sensibilities about the law, method of government, etc. They don’t have our “Spirit of ’76”, the love for our Founders, the Godly roots of our beginnings. How do I know? I know because their own manifesto of demnds is the only evidence I need.

  7. I’m sorry, you want what? Stop it. My sides hurt from laughing so hard. Seriously, stop it. The milk’s coming out my nose. You guys are hilarious. You should do stand up–where you came from. Now GTFO.

  8. Submit your bill of rights to your country of origin and see what that gets you.
    You have no right making demands of US.
    We do have the right to kick your whiny ass out of our home, though, and that needs to commence.

  9. My counteroffer:

    –NO benefits.
    –NO voting rights.
    –NO driver’s license. In fact, not so much as a library card.
    –You get sick? Too bad, you have no Medicaid, so forget about hospitalization.
    –Go the fuck home, leeches.

  10. You squatters need to keep in mind that this Bill of Rockstar Rider Clauses–which none of you can read, in English or even Spanish, thanks to your own government–is a creation of traitorous American provocateurs, and you are nothing more than a blunt instrument of societal destruction to them. Sorry, I forgot. I’m talking to a rock. Maybe Jorge Ramos will read this to you.

  11. Taking a page out of the communist playbook from 50 years ago. Like friggin Fidel Castro standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial shouting “give me liberty or give me death!”. OK I say, do I get to choose?

  12. They’re right of course, although they may not know it. They don’t have the right to steal from others or violate another countries laws. If I were to carry a gun across the border and demand that they respect MY rights, I’d be in a Mexican hell hole prison without trial faster than my bowels after eating at Taco Bell.

    They DO have the right to overthrow their government if its become corrupt and owned by cartel thugs. That’s one of their natural rights. Our ancestors knew that a couple hundred years ago. It may not be the easiest option, but life is tough.

  13. Let’s see a bunch of illegals try this in Meh-hee-co.

    Now THAT is a country that knows how to handle illegals. They lock ’em up and feed ’em tortillas and beans and water.

  14. Imo, YOU finai, win the internet today. You hit the nail on the head.

    These people SHOULD go back to their countries and DEMAND more, based on what they’ve observed in the US.

    They are wrong to assume Santa grants everything for free because they’ve misunderstood American generosity.

  15. “Our ancestors knew that a couple hundred years ago. It may not be the easiest option, but life is tough.”

    Life is tough and so is liberty. If fourth-rate illegals have their way, where do they go from here? It’s a question most Americans have had to seriously ask ourselves in the past few years.

  16. Kind of jumping the gun here? Don’t they need to draft a declaration of war (independence) first? Then take up arms and defeat the Americans before drafting a bill of rights?

  17. If some illegal had the audacity to pull some illegal bill of rights bullshit on me I would pull out my knife and slit its fucking throat. Shoot any illegals coming over the border on sight. Forcefully sterilize any we find here and drop them in the middle of the desert with one bottle of water and a good luck parasite. We’d see an instantaneous drop in illegal immigration and most here would leave on their own.

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