Illegal Immigrants Kidnap, Drug and Rape 14 Year-Old Girl in Houston – IOTW Report

Illegal Immigrants Kidnap, Drug and Rape 14 Year-Old Girl in Houston



  • Miguel Alvarez-Flores, 22, and Diego Hernandez-Rivera, 18, charged in sick plot
  • MS-13 gang members kidnapped two teenage girls for weeks, cops say
  • The pair of illegal immigrants from El Salvador were living in the Houston area 
  • Gang leader called himself ‘Diabolical’ and kept a Satanic shrine
  • Killed one of the teens after she insulted and destroyed demon shrine, cops say
  • The other girl, 14, kidnapped on her way home from school in early February
  • She told cops she was drugged and brutally raped repeatedly
  • Said pair held her down and gave her a tattoo with an image of the Grim Reaper
  • The Gangbangers both smiled and waved to cameras in courtroom 
  • Hours earlier, 13 members of the same gang were arrested in New York for allegedly killing three high school students  

Read more:

Ht/ all too much


19 Comments on Illegal Immigrants Kidnap, Drug and Rape 14 Year-Old Girl in Houston

  1. They look like fine chaps. No one ever said the race replacement project was going to be easy, or that no one would get their hair mussed a little. Gotta break a few eggs when you make an omelet. They come here for love. They make us rich. Think of all that fruit that wouldn’t get picked. Don’t be racist etc etc etc.

  2. Put a camera and a mic in Yeb!s face over this. Seriously.
    He and all the leftist do-gooder d-bags need to OWN this.

    If we weren’t lucky to have Trump, we would have had much more of this ‘love’ in our country.

  3. The authorities should make sure they are placed in a cell with a extremely large member of the Aryan Brotherhood. The rest of that little roaches life should be a screaming nightmare.

  4. We ain’t got time to round up the vermin or even give 2 shites! Wiretapping and leaks is the siren song of the day!
    Signed, the Democrats.

    Pelosi, Ellison, Sanders, et al, reaffirm their support of La Raza in condemning V.O.I.C.E. as a racist govt program and vow to shut it down.

  5. Don’t worry, me, Cadillac Frank, Weeksie and Stevie the Rifleman have got this covered with a six-foot under the sand clambake at Tennean beach.

  6. Back when we actually used to have justice in this country, these two would’ve been led to the gallows at the end of the court session. I’d love to see the look on their faces when offered the hood.

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