Illegals Hit the Entitlement Jackpot in NYC – IOTW Report

Illegals Hit the Entitlement Jackpot in NYC


Border crossers arriving in New York City on migrant buses sent from Texas by Gov. Greg Abbott (R) are being awarded healthcare services as well as free cellphones, among other things.

On Sunday, as the New York Post reports, the city’s hospital system held an event for arriving border crossers at a hospital in the Bronx where they were offered healthcare services along with free cellphones, food, library cards, and school supplies. More

16 Comments on Illegals Hit the Entitlement Jackpot in NYC

  1. That’s nothing.
    Here in Maine illegals from Africa are getting about $60,000 per year in taxpayer handouts with the housing, healthcare, food, etc.
    They also get money for cars after a bit.

  2. Cuomo’s female clone and her pals in Albany are planning tax increases across the state to fully pay for the costs right out of the hard working peasant tax slaves deep pockets, but still no jabs. NYC will take all they can get, no problem.

  3. Ooooo goody! Do they get to partake in muggings, rapes and murders too? I mean let’s welcome them with the full flavor NYC has to offer.

    I got news for New Yawkers, just wait til there’s no jobs for your newly arrived neighbors and they can’t payoff the cartels….the above activities are about to increase tenfold.

  4. Buses! BUSES! Damn, Texas should lease a cruise ship and load it with the criminal wetbacks and sail from Galveston to New York Harbor to dump them off. Then, repeat the process over and over.

  5. Good, the more free shit they give away the more migrants will hop on the bus to NY.

    I’m sure the cartel grapevine is already spreading the word from Mexico to the tip of Peru.

    I agree with Dr Hambone, send a ship, and while you are at it Guv send a few busses to the Pedos Deleware manses.


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