Illinois Democrat Introduces Bill Allowing Attacks Against Police During ‘Mental Health Episode’ – IOTW Report

Illinois Democrat Introduces Bill Allowing Attacks Against Police During ‘Mental Health Episode’

Sara Carter;

Illinois lawmaker, Democratic state Representative Lisa Davis, has introduced a bill which opponents say will allow for attacks against police officers. House Bill 3458, which already has two co-sponsors, would “[provide] that it is a defense to aggravated battery when the individual battered is a peace officer and the officer responded to an incident in which the officer interacted with a person whom a reasonable officer could believe was having a mental health episode and the person with whom the officer interacted has a documented mental illness and acted abruptly.” more

15 Comments on Illinois Democrat Introduces Bill Allowing Attacks Against Police During ‘Mental Health Episode’

  1. I encourage them to pass this. Every quality law man in that state will seek employment elsewhere. And be much happy for it. Fuck these libtard idiots. Give them what they want.

  2. There’s only one reasonable explanation for the Left; they are all nuts. Certifiable. Demonic lunatics. Their only response the Left has to any problem — particularly the ones of their own making — is with mindless rage. I’d venture a faux rage, except along with being completely mental they’re also plain stupid, and so they actually think their rage is righteous. Leftists/Democrats are criminally insane.

    (I say this from experience. Today I got another email from a woman who linked a NYTs OPINION piece about how tariffs are destroying the country. She wrote: “YOU CAUSED THIS!” and added a very angry emoji. This is someone who wasn’t a close friend and she has no idea how I vote. I think she figured that because she knows I’m Christian, I voted for Trump. See? Stupid.)

  3. AbigailAdams – send her a link to the studies (lefty rags have them) showing that lefty women have mental problems (depression, suicidal, unhappy, etc.)

    I heard the People’s Pundit talking about one last month.

  4. How about an alternative which allows the police to double-tap (yeah, training is triples) people having any kind of mental “crisis.”

    If their families won’t deal with them, why dump them on the public?

  5. MJA — haha! That would be good! Except I think she is e. All of the Above, and I don’t want to mess with her. She was a customer of mine who loved my work and couldn’t say enough good things about me to others. Then the election. I think it took her around the bend. I was always careful not to talk politics despite her constant probing.

    I responded to her that her emails “feel like cyber stalking”. I hope the reality that she’s committing a misdemeanor (at her age) will slap her upside the head. 🙂

  6. AA
    In case you’ve missed my jibber jabber about my recent unplanned experience with the idiots on Reditt I will offer the following advice. Don’t be surprised if she shows up on your door step wheeling a machete. I’m hardly joking. These idiots are certifiable and they’re only getting worse. I hope you answer your door with a gun in your hand. I’m hardly joking.


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