Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers – IOTW Report

Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers


Illinois Democrat Gov. JB Pritzker signed a bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers in the state, sparking outrage from some in the state.

Pritzker signed the bill, HB 3751, into law along with more than 130 other bills on Friday. The bill allows anyone legally authorized to work and carry a firearm under federal law to become a police officer or sheriff’s deputy. While the bill states that it is effective Jan. 1, 2024, Pritzker’s office says it is effective immediately. 

The legislation passed in May with a 37-20 vote in the Senate, as two Democrats joined Republicans to vote against the bill. more

27 Comments on Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers

  1. Remember this old chestnut from the Obamboozler:
    We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

    Well where else would it start than good, ole Illinois.

  2. what could go wrong?

    My favorite part – this move sparked outrage from some in the state. Let’s collect the names of those who are not outraged by this.

  3. Didn’t we try this before?

    A veiled attempt at blanket amnesty.

    “legally authorized to work and carry a firearm under federal law”, how would you know since no background checks are made on the millions crossing our borders? They could be mass murders, child rapists, or cartel chiefs.

    Another example of,”Jobs so bad, Americans won’t do them”. This is crazy on so many levels.

  4. Let me be blunt, and you federal snoops can kiss my ass: I will never allow an illegal alien to arrest me, an American combat veteran, on US soil. Here is your f*cking resistance, progs.

  5. The citizens of Illinois are absolute fools to let these anti-American maggots get away with this shit.
    There should be a Dem, and one illegal-alien invading rat-person, hanging from every available branch, telephone pole, light pole, &c. in that benighted state.
    Hang em in pairs and save time.

    But, alas, Illinoisans are completely content living in Nazi-Land.

    Citizens have no right to bear arms, but illegal-alien invading rat-people do?
    Something’s seriously wrong with Illinois.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I wish I had the wherewithal to get my unhappy ass out of the Glorious Peoples Democratic Republic Of Illinois. This is no place for patriotic, Constitution loving Americans.

  7. Question 19 on 4473

    19. Country of Citizenship: (Check/List more than one, if applicable. Nationals of the United States may check U.S.A.)
    United States of America (U.S.A)
    Other Country/Countries (Specify):


    They can

    ✔️ VOTE
    ✔️ DRIVE
    ✔️ CARRY

    The only thing they aren’t expected to do is ✔️ PAY TAXES.

    Seems to me the better thing to do is renounce citizenship and STOP PAYING TAXES SO I’M MORE FREE. ✔️✔️✔️✔️

  8. I’m with Irate Nate. SHOW ME the VALID CONSTITUTIONAL law that allows a NON-citizen (most likely an illegal) to carry a firearm.
    Ditto for arrest powers of a NON-citizen (illegal) to arrest a citizen within the boundaries of the US.

    And I like the way Tim-FJB thinks. A two-fer-one.

  9. Some ones got to do a study and see if there’s a correlational between BMI and IQ. It’s seems that when the BMI goes off the charts the IQ drops like a rock. They can start with Chris Christie and then move on to this fat slob.

  10. TIM-FJB:

    As an Illinois resident (not content living in nazi land), I have a firearm and a conceal carry. Takes 16 hours of bullshit instruction to get that license and have to hit a body target the size of Pritzker from 10 feet out with 20 shots (out of 30). I slept for 16 hours and dumped a few mags into the gigantic target and walked out with my license. Interesting, I had to re-certify at the 5 yr mark with 8 hours of bullshit and the same target test. My new license came in the form of CCW and FOID combined on one card without expiration date. I still haven’t figured out if it ever expires or not, hopefully be moved out before it’s a concern.

    I think Illinois is basing its decision relative to the negros in Chicago who mag dump TEC-9s over their car roof with the other hand on the steering wheel. If you’re even the slightest bit more responsible than that, you’re hired. It’s not easy to get anyone to walk the streets of that shit town and I’d like to think that’s where they’ll be stuffing these illegal hires. As it is, 19/20 shooting cases go unsolved, I think they want to bring that up to 20/20 unsolved with more incompetence and just forget they happen.

  11. Illegal aliens are not allowed…. › digest › federal-court-affirms-that-illegal-immigrants-cannot-possess-firearms

    Federal Court Affirms that Illegal Immigrants Cannot Possess Firearms
    by Jordan Michaels on August 3, 2021 Related Tags: Buzz , News This is the type of firearm (a .380 Davis) Perez used in the incident. (Photo: A federal appeals court affirmed this week that a law prohibiting illegal immigrants from possessing firearms is constitutional….

    Your move fatboy.

  12. Sad to see my home state has gone completely commie libtard. Putz-cur along with other Swamp State officials are determined to undermine and criminalizing the rights of American citizens.

    China, btw is key to these unconstitutional laws. They bribe American Demwit politicians into betrayal – helping China further infiltrate this country until they have full control.

    Allowing illegal aliens to become police officers is a gateway move for a non-citizen foreign national to be seated in the highest office in the nation – the US presidency. American traitorous tools like Xiden won’t be necessary anymore. The pretense would be over about who’s managing upheaval meant to destroy the Republic.

    The enemies of the United States are encouraged by an American majority of compliant, amoral, socialist indoctrinated stooges – no doubt includes Illinois Demwit voters.

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