I’m 7 1/2 Minutes In With This Comedian and I Haven’t Tee Heed or Tittered – IOTW Report

I’m 7 1/2 Minutes In With This Comedian and I Haven’t Tee Heed or Tittered

This is in Brooklyn. The audiences are supposed to be super-educated. All this tells me is that people can be subject to mass hypnosis, convincing themselves that this guy is funny. He is not.

He’s obviously become a “thing,” for no good reason. If he was just a dude that started talking to you about these things at the supermarket you would walk away, fast. I maintain that he is anti-comedy. But listen to these hipster doofuses laugh.

I thought the Lake Wobegon dude was bad. This is ridiculous. The thought that he is making money for this is a bit irritating.

My apologies if you think this is funny.

33 Comments on I’m 7 1/2 Minutes In With This Comedian and I Haven’t Tee Heed or Tittered

  1. I was encouraged by “let’s hear it for that door.” It was downhill from there. I understand quirky, like Emo Philips. But you just can’t be “quirky” and have nothing. This is the kind of comedy that I enjoy if he is bombing. The fact that he’s getting big luaghs actually offends me.

  2. I was stuck at the Comedy Store somewhere on Sunset Boulevard watching 2 guys who were so-so but 1 guy who was so bad. The gay-sian guy, all he wanted to do was talk about how he was gay. It was bizarre. It was almost like it was therapy for him. Never went to another show after that. LOL.

    Also, that building looked and felt like we were walking inside a cardboard box.

  3. The sad part here isn’t the performer. I don’t think I’ll call him a comedian, it’s the audience. Unless that were canned laughter. Having said that, the biggest morons I know are the highly indoctrinated. I mean educated.

  4. So, he’s a young guy pretending to be old? Does he have a hanger stuck in the back of his shirt?

    The only thing I can figure the audience is laughing at is his odd behavior and speech patterns.

    Not funny. I scrubbed my way through it. I don’t get it I guess. We had Norm and GenZ has this guy? Another sign of the decline of America.

  5. I believe I’ve figured it out.
    This is the comedic version of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”

    We all see that this guy is not funny whatsoever.
    Yet these rubes that are laughing along, admiring his nonexistent clothing/comedy to go along with the ruse for fear of not fitting in/repercussions & cancellation.

    Loco: The doctor is in…


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