I’m From the GOP, I’m Here To Help You – IOTW Report

I’m From the GOP, I’m Here To Help You


Read the fine essay by our friend, the great Gerard Vanderleun, HERE.

26 Comments on I’m From the GOP, I’m Here To Help You

  1. So, who is the thief? Cruz or the GOP? Or is the GOP stealing from Trump and rewarding Cruz destroying both in the process? Trump will go 3rd party if he doesn’t win, Cruz won’t, and Cruz is the devil himself? Cue the Rod Serling music….

    Say hello to President Sanders!

  2. I long for the good old days, when the GOP brass was merely a little out of touch with their base. Now, they actually hate their base and the two most likely candidates to come out on top in the primaries. The GOP brass have basically perfected the art of losing elections in the quickest time possible for the maximum amount of damage and cost.

    How does that even count as a political party anymore?

  3. “So, who is the thief? Cruz or the GOP?”

    The GOP thru Cruz. if you think Cruz will be on the third ballot and get win the nomination you are nuts. That’s there plan. They’ve said so.

  4. Regardless of who gets the Republican and Democrat Party nominations, most Americans will be faced with the choice of voting for one of two candidates that, under any normal circumstances, would be totally unacceptable to them. Yet they must choose or withdraw from the process completely, thus disenfranchising themselves. This is the bitter legacy of turning our government over to two powerful political parties to the point that the will of the American People can, has been, and will be subverted.

    Well, we can’t say we weren’t warned:

    “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

    GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

  5. the GOPe has outmaneuvered itself into signed it’s own death warrant. Cruz supporters/GOPe supporters won’t vote for Trump. Trump supporters won’t vote for Cruz. Neither Trump or Cruz supporters will vote for the eventual GOPe candidate.
    All those independents that came out for Trump wouldn’t vote for Cruz, & they’re not going to come out for the eventual GOPe candidate
    ….after this convention people will be leaving the GOPe in droves, if they haven’t already by then.

    … and they had the easiest-to-defeat, most-unlikable candidate ever, running against them & they turn around & fuck that up too.

  6. the gun is not aimed at the foot, they are aiming it at the heart of America and there will be consequences. There will be 3rd party candidates, or 4th or 5th this year, and Molon is correct. The Arrrghs had the easiest candidate and biggest loser ever to run against, and they have screwed the pooch.

    Contested primaries may have been the norm in the past, but the norm never included the massive onslaught of vitriol and hate against the leading candidate.

  7. I remember McCain.
    The open primaries forced that clown on us and a bunch of Republicans that didn’t sit home voted for Soetoro to ‘give the black guy a chance’.
    I voted fro McCain, but I was real close to staying home.
    A stupid court ruling and some moronic interpretations of that ruling have given the Democrats an upper hand so powerful that we may very well never have another Republican president.
    As long as we allow Democrats to pick our frontrunner the GOP will remain the party of division and failure.

  8. The funniest thing that could happen after Trump and Sanders get screwed by their respective branches of the Unified Treasonous Corporate Whore Party, would be a Trump-Sanders third-party run.

    Their slogan could be “F*ck the Establishment.”

  9. Amen to all of the above.I voted for Cruz in the primary but will vote for TRUMP if he runs as independent just because I am about as sick of the GOP kingpins as I am Obama. We the people must take back our country!

  10. Grand Our Party – best line of the article. That and the point that if the GOPe had put forth this much resistance to Obama, Reid and Pelosi then Donald Trump would not be where he is now.

  11. johnS, people didnt stay home in 2008. Palin brought them out in droves. Obama won that by fraud. Romney kept people home because romney and ryan were a pair of losers.

  12. I do believe that by November, the RNC will be toast, done, kaput. Add your adjective (?). My question what replaces the RNC and what happens to the big wheels of the GOPe? They just disappear, slink off in the night and retire as power brokers? That ain’t gonna happen. They will regroup with shiny new talking heads to talk about how President Sanders needs to be defeated and most folks will go back to watching Dancing With the Stars or Shark Tank. Destroying the RNC/GOP should not be our goal, taking control of it should. I honestly believe that totally dismantling the progressive tax system is a huge step in that direction. Cruz wants just that. Without a progressive tax system with cherry picked deductions, Congress loses most of their power. They only way to take power from the elite is to take away their circle jerk money stream.

    Cruz 2016.

  13. Charlie, I remember the election well.
    Go back and look at the numbers and refresh your memory.
    Also, Palin wasn’t, and isn’t that popular. The MSM loved her for a while and played her up, but between quitting and what she did to the economy of Alaska with the massive tax increases and expansion of welfare she was unelectable.
    She was, though, a lot easier on the eyes than McCain.

  14. A Trump/Cruz ticket would be unstoppable.

    A poke in Rancid Penis’s eye, a shot across the bow of the sinking Republican garbage scow, and an absolute terror to the socialists (both HRC, BS, and the DNC).

    It’s too bad that both of them think more of their personal aggrandizement than they do of America.

    Say a prayer over the corpse of the Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. AC…..a friend and I thought of a Trump-Sanders 3rd party ticket. We could not agree whether it had a chance. My thoughts were it would leave it to the House, after no one gets a majority of electors,which gets you Ryan.

    It would be the death knell for both parties.

  16. Anon, that scenario is not really that far off the mark.
    Except for the Ryan part. He is stuck in his current gig until either the Dems take over the house or he heads off to pasture, nobody else wants the job so he isn’t getting a promotion.

  17. The GOP has been gone a long time. They haven’t protected America against the lawlessness of the opposition, they have lied, cheated, committed fraud, and bilked the American voter out of money, justice and freedom.

    The GOP is the willing whipping boy of the democrats. I hope they go down in flames, with the democrats.

    I’m tired of the collusion, good old boy club, and big brother crap. Flush the congressional and DC toilet.

  18. It’s time for a refresher course on recent history.

    What was Trump?
    He was the wrecking ball that we were going to take to everything everyone is griping about in the comments above.

    We were sick of Boehner, McConnell, Graham acting like they had the right’s best interest at heart while they sold us out at every turn.
    We were sick of the TEA party candidates getting into power and then completely turning on us.

    Trump was the vehicle to show the GOP that “we, the voters” were in charge.

    But a funny thing happened along the way. When conservatives realized that we actually couldn’t be totally controlled by the GOP, because we were actually demolishing Bush with Trump, we started looking around at more attractive alternatives.
    We picked Cruz.

    Well, guess what?
    We did it too late.

    Now the GOP has us by the short hairs.
    Are we that confident it’s going to be either Trump or Cruz?
    I’m not.

    It’s more likely going to be a “fresh face,” as Karl Rove said.

    We suck at presidenting.

    I saw this coming more than a month ago. That is why I said “I will press a button right now and install Ted Cruz and call this process over” right then and there, even though I was still supporting the idea of the wrecking ball at the time.

    Now I’m just a nervous wreck.
    Please, God, no more progressivism.

  19. The Curious Case of the Missing Colorado Delegate
    Posted by Crista Huff on Apr 11, 2016 in Free Stock Market

    by Crista Huff

    On Saturday, April 9, 2016, a man named Larry from Douglas County, CO slandered Douglas County (CO) Republicans on Facebook. In that Facebook post, Larry claimed that he went to his neighborhood caucus meeting on March 1st, at which a precinct captain named Jan Morgan had threatened him about being a Trump supporter, with the implication that Trump supporters would not be allowed to be delegates to the April 9th State Republican Assembly.

    Larry then claimed that he indeed had attempted to attend the State Republican Assembly on April 9th, but was cheated out of his delegate position. Hundreds of people initially read his story, which then quickly spread across America.

    Larry was my Facebook “friend”, although I knew very little about him, other than the details of an aggressive encounter he’d recently posted about. After quizzing him about his delegate problem, and offering to assist, and doing research, here is the response I sent to him, via a private Facebook message:

    Larry, I looked into your delegate problem today. I spoke at length with somebody knowledgeable on this topic.

    In fact, you did not check in with your District 3 Captain at any point during County Assembly, nor did you sit with the District 3 delegates. (While it is technically possible that you might have checked in at the front desk — we will have that evidence in a few days — it is clear that you never attempted to sit with the delegates from your District, because they did not know that you were in attendance.)

    I learned that this “Jan Morgan” person is not a precinct person in District 3, and might not exist at all. That explains why I could not find her on the Douglas County Central Committee list.

    I learned that you were not present at the point, during County Assembly, when District 3 delegates gathered to elect delegates to go to the State Assembly. I learned that everybody from District 3 who wanted to go to the State Assembly was successfully elected as a delegate; and that there were no alternates, because there was not an abundance of people interested in going.

    I spoke directly with the woman who supervised that election and filled out the subsequent paperwork. You were not present. What’s more, in keeping with normal County Assembly procedures, nobody was required to announce their favorite POTUS candidate.

    In addition, I asked you to give me a factual written testimony, so that I could help you get to the bottom of this problem, and hold somebody accountable. You did not do so, which tells me that you are far more interested in drama than you are interested in problem-solving.

    I frankly do not believe your story.

    I will be unfriending you now. I’m sure you found it amusing to slander Douglas County Republicans today. It’s unfortunate that you did that, but I am confident that what goes around comes around. I will not, therefore, worry about this any further.

    I then attempted to “unfriend” Larry, only to discover that he had already unfriended ME, prior to my sending him that message. Why would a man, for whom I was doing helpful research, unfriend me? One possible explanation would be that he knew what I would also discover: that his story had likely been fabricated.

    Additionally, at some point on April 10th, Larry blocked me on Facebook.

    On Sunday, April 10th, quite a variety of Douglas County caucus attendees, delegates, and Republican Party volunteers were interviewed, to determine exactly what took place. The paper trail was examined, from Larry’s caucus meeting, and from the Douglas County Assembly. None of the gentleman’s story holds water. In fact, not only did he NOT attend the Douglas County Assembly, which he would have had to attend in order to be elected as a delegate to the subsequent State Republican Assembly, but he apparently had a great caucus experience.

    Larry’s March 1st Facebook post portrays a man who attended his March 1st neighborhood caucus and felt triumphant at the positive response he generated for Presidential candidate Donald Trump. At caucus, he was elected as a delegate to the Douglas County Assembly, which would take place on March 19th. Larry subsequently failed to attend the Douglas County Assembly.

    Larry’s brief political hobby began and ended on March 1st, of his own volition. He squandered his elected position as a delegate to the Douglas County Assembly, and he squandered his opportunity to be elected as a delegate to the State Republican Assembly.

    Not only is his entire story apparently false, but by accepting a delegate position at caucus, then failing to fulfill his delegate responsibilities at the Douglas County Assembly, Larry prevented other people at his caucus from winning that coveted delegate position and fulfilling their personal goals of being voting delegates during the 2016 Presidential campaign season in Colorado.

    I don’t know which is more egregious: Larry’s apparent betrayal of the facts, or his betrayal of his neighbors at caucus.

    Gear up, America. It’s only April. We have six more months of political shenanigans ahead of us.

    * * * * *


  20. johnS i was there. I saw it. People voted for palin, not mccain. Its just that obomba and the libs stole more votes than palin/mccain got.

    I dont know where you get your info about Palin. I’ve never heard that bs story about her before.

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