“I’m Not Far Right, I’m Free” – Candace Owens – IOTW Report

“I’m Not Far Right, I’m Free” – Candace Owens

18 Comments on “I’m Not Far Right, I’m Free” – Candace Owens

  1. Love her attitude…doesn’t hold anything back and really challenges the black community. Refreshing. Hopefully, she will have her own show on FOX very soon.

  2. They’ve tried to discredit her for being a liberal within the last 2 years. Well she evolved. it happens to all of us. Funny we never hold past ideas against Democrats. Hillary didn’t have to answer for DOMA, they all used to support a wall and immigration law.
    And she isn’t saying she is a Republican. She wants people to think independently. And frankly I agree – I don’t identify as a Republican the way this party has been and continues to be run outside of Trump. She is a breath of fresh air – think and be independent, vote for freedom, don’t be blindly beholden to any party label or group. I hope she resonates with other people that realize they don’t have to do what everyone expects, they should do what is in their best interest.

  3. The black community cannot possibly take this woman seriously…. She, obviously is NOT authentic. Using hair straightener, light skinned (maybe a cracker in the woodpile), intelligent AND Conservative!
    I am hoping that the emergence of people like the lovely Ms. Owens, i.e. Diamond, Silk, the rapper we heard about the other day is a sign of changing times.
    Messrs. Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have been making these arguments for years….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Kind of a tangent on labels from this. I recall “alt-right” to be an umbrella term that encompassed everyone who was not in the entrenched Republican establishment. A mix of socially liberal, economic conservatives, libertarians, and similar outcasts from the old order and that the term was co-opted by the media to be lingua franca for “nazis”.

    Similarly, with the whole “red state / blue state” dichotomy. It used to be reversed as liberals are red communists and then the liberals were allowed to control the language and flip the script back in 2000.

    They put more thought into their smears than our sides’ will to fight against their false premise. They cannot be allowed to control the language and just cede their intentionally distorted representations to define who we are.


  5. The Left has seen the writing on the wall. The math is on their side.
    Blacks, 13% will move center right. They are already being abandoned as the Poster Child for Right Wing oppression in favor for the influx of illegal aliens.
    The Blacks were given hand outs because they were brought her in chains and ‘have problems’ making it.
    The Illegals are crossing hill and dale to come get those handouts, and don’t riot and turn public opinion against the Left. They outbreed every other demographic and are a true Peasant Class. That is what the Left want: a Peasant Class that has no inclination to be anything else. One who will vote for them forever,

  6. What Candice Owens says is bad. What Joy Reid says is good.

    This is what the left, including the homo mafia and muslime terrorists, is forced to say right now.

    If you are a black person capable of thinking and watching this all unfold, what side do you choose?


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