I’m Sorry People – IOTW Report

I’m Sorry People

I no longer know what to do about spam.

I’m sorry. I am trying.

50 Comments on I’m Sorry People

  1. Hang in there BFH. I’ve often had to apologize to family members with “If we’d known back in 1990 that in 2022 nearly every person on the planet would be carrying a globally networked pocket supercomputer, we’d likely have made some different design choices…”

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Are you glad to be free?
    Are you feeling lost just like me?
    Longing for company
    Oh Spam, Spam, you know where I am
    Come around and talk awhile
    I need your smile
    You need a shoulder
    Oh Spam, Spam, you know where I am

  3. I know in the past you have been hesitant about adding a “registration” requirement but this might help. Or maybe adding a CAPTCHA step to post, minimally intrusive but effective against spam.

  4. Don’t stress about the spammers now; it’s Christmas just enjoy and you run the best website ever! We are used to assholes making $17000 a month for a few minutes online trying to steal your identity if you are stupid enough to click a link. Merry Christmas to all!

  5. There have always been eejits in the public square. It’s the price of free speech. I find it’s easier to scroll past them online than it is to stroll past them on the street.

  6. Screw em!…Think about this after tomorrow….Just play Christmas music for 48 hours like Emmylou Harris’s version of Little Drummer Boy…..hint hint….This site is the BEST!!!!….My appreciation donation will be coming about mid-January and will be followed with a seemingly crazy idea that is currently under production…

  7. Tune out, ignore scroll past. At least it isn’t a**hat Nigerians telling me I am beautiful adn they want to marry me.
    We’re all mature enough to scroll past.

    Blessed and Merry Christmas to the IOTWR family and to those who work hard to keep this going.

    Also thanks to the many prayer warriors who have prayed for me through the last 3 years.

  8. It is very gratifying to see all the supportive comments.
    I’m sure BFH is gratified to see them as well.

    If you REALLY want to gratify BFH (and MJA, Claudia, Illustr8r, and Dr. Tar) then here’s how to do that:


    I don’t know if I would be sane¹ today if it weren’t for iOTWReport. As many here do, I suffer from Political Technological Sociological Stress Delirium (PTSSD) and this is my emotional support website! Damn the Spam! Helm full starboard² and full speed ahead!

    1. Don’t start.
    2. For non-sailors, that’s to the RIGHT.

  9. I make bazillions of dollars delivering ballots to drop boxes for elections. Learn how you can make tons of cash too … by doing something else. I don’t need the competition.


  10. Wylie December 24, 2022 at 6:17 pm:
    “Publish spammer’s email address and maybe a couple thousand of us can return the favor?”

    A very great idea. Otherwise, I just ignore the spamics. Also…

    P.S., according to the IRS, the tax-free gifting limit for 2022 is $16,000 per person per year. Furthermore, neither the Giver, nor the Receiver of the gift is required to claim any amounts under $16,000 to the IRS. These are individual-to-individual gifts. Not sure if this applies for an individual gifting to a corporation or small business enterprise. But, you may have an idea about gifting IOTW-R for Christmas or any other time.

  11. Fur, spammers, nosy neighbors who have taken their nosiness global, the idiots running social media sites, google, etc. are destroying the internet.
    I think most of us can deal with idiots making $10,000/week. It’s easy to scroll right on past.

    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Holy crap!

    I just realized that for the first in fifty-seven (57) years together the boss and I will not be spending Christmas Eve with family. I’m pretending to be working right now and she’s home cooking for what I’ll find when I get home later. But alone for both. Some getting together tomorrow…

    Then I realized that some here might be considered second family even if I’m the red-headed step child. Can join with this group any time I wish and better off because of it.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever blows your skirt up!

    A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all!

  13. BFH, I would take their appearance here as a sign your doing a job well done. I know we don’t always see eye to eye but I don’t believe these are just random retards from a dorm room for misfit trust fund babies that hate mommy and daddy. They’re an orchestrated effort to demoralize, maybe discredit conservatives. Even I am smart enough to start ignoring them. I think. Like Joe6 says, you can’t chase me out of here. It’s been tried. LOL

  14. No big deal. You get used to it and just scroll right past the assholes and their get rich quick bullshit. Nothing will stop me from getting the news that will never been seen by libtards. I need that ammo to throw back in their faces.

  15. i don’t understand what the problem is….i recognize spam when i see it, and i ignore it, like anyone should…..spam is like air….it’s everywhere…..it’s not fur’s fault spam shows up here….and fur should recognize that he’s not responsible for it….it’s up to US to ignore it….i don’t see that much spam here, maybe my adblock works?’

    nevertheless, that furry hat is not to blame, and ahould not be feeling badly about this….spam is apam….and sometimes you get beans with it……..

  16. From what I gather, the spam referred to is assholes leaving “I make blah blah blah” and in an effort to countermand this crap, many of our comments end up in moderation.
    Not spam ads per se…

  17. Spam definitely will not deter me from this wonderful and valuable conservative site. I’ll just continue to ignore the spam/bots.

    IOTWr is very unique by encouraging readers to freely comment without censorship – very uncommon. Also, readers can contribute to the newsfeed which stays current and updated. BFH and everyone who maintains the IOTWr site are dedicated, personable and passionate about conservatism.

    All the benefits of IOTWr far, far outweigh any spam/bots posts – no apology needed.
    Thanks, BFH for all you’re doing to keep IOTWr such an excellent conservative sounding board.


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