Impeachment of Mayorkas Slowly Grinds Forward – IOTW Report

Impeachment of Mayorkas Slowly Grinds Forward


The House on Thursday started its second hearing connected with Republican efforts to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Witnesses for the Homeland Security Committee included Tammy Nobles, whose daughter was killed by a member of the M-13 gang, and constitutional law professor Deborah Pearlstein. More

8 Comments on Impeachment of Mayorkas Slowly Grinds Forward

  1. AND the House grinds slowly (4 years) as Morikis continues to ignore the US Constitution, Law and by allowing an invasion at our open borders jeopardizing U.S. National Security.
    If only there were GOP Leadership and fewer RINOs in the House, the do nothing Democrat Senate would have to act.

  2. The repuglickin house rules require that three hearings must be conducted before letters are sent. Then after the first letter is sent and if it is ignored a second letter will follow. If the second letter is ignored then the house shall follow-up with letters of stern wording.

  3. In over seven decades I’ve seen this waste of time and money before – many times. Why go through the motions? We all know it’s simply kabuki for the masses. Republicans never do shit while Democrats continue the destruction of society.

  4. Don’t fergit the democRATz motto:
    Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    Don’t have a good crisis?
    Make one!
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand boy did they make one!!
    and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and so on!

  5. Aw bless your heart. Executed for what again? You’ll have to throw in most GOP House members for that execution too. Pass a border bill, not if they want to keep their political career. You ain’t foolin no one. Lie about it, dats all the GOP f-heads are good for.


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