In 2010, Megyn Kelly Played F≥ck, Marry, Kill On Air With Howard Stern – IOTW Report

In 2010, Megyn Kelly Played F≥ck, Marry, Kill On Air With Howard Stern

Does Erick Erickson want his daughter in the same room with Megyn Kelly?

Let’s say Trump did make a remark about Megyn being on the rag. Is rating men’s worthiness for sex, or marriage, or deserving of being murdered any better? Well, here’s the test. Would Erickson rather his daughter hear Trump make a remark about women sometimes being hormonal, or would he want her to sit down with Megyn and play F#ck, Marry or Kill?

I rest my completely solid case.

Again, not so much defending Donald Trump here. I’m attacking his attackers for grasping at the thinnest of straws in order to damage the frontrunner to clear the way for Yeb Boooosh.

Zimbio via Gateway Pundit

Howard was crafty as he handed Megyn three fellow Fox personalities: Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Glenn Beck. Megyn’s answers? The “F” goes to Bill O’Reilly. She’d marry Hannity, and kill Glenn Beck. By way of explanation, Megyn said Hannity’s “got the most dough and he’s the youngest, right?” and that O’Reilly “wrote a book that had some saucy sex scenes.”

48 Comments on In 2010, Megyn Kelly Played F≥ck, Marry, Kill On Air With Howard Stern

  1. Let’s play a little game here.
    Go to one of your favorite news sites, Breitbart, or Daily Caller, let’s say, and use your browser’s find (ctrl-f) and put in names.
    For example:

    Daily Caller right now:

    Trump: 46 hits
    Sanders 4 hits
    Cruz 1 Hit
    Huckabee 1 hit
    Megyn Kelly 9 hits

    Daily Mail (what a rag!) just for fun – you see where their money is.
    Trump 12 hits
    Jenner 16 hits
    Kardashian 12 hits

    The point? No matter whether it’s good or bad press . . Trump is all they’re talking about. He couldn’t buy that much publicity.

  2. Megyn Kelly is not running for President of the United States. Why are you pulling a Jon Stewart. Who cares about the jesters (media) when the King (political class including Trump) is running around naked?

  3. @Randy — Seriously?

    Okay, I’ll bite. Because “The Most Trusted Name In Cable News” is using their very political views from the penultimate bully pulpit to sway public opinion, and thus political support, away from a presidential candidate they do not like and pull support to the one they do. What you call “jesters” are in fact the media lapdogs of the political class and do their bidding. Kelly is not the disinterested, innocent jester you believe her to be.

  4. I watched the Sunday circuit today, including Fox News Sunday show. Fox is the only network acting like Trump is done for. Trump boycotted Fox but was on Face The Nation, George The Midgets Show, etc. The GOP fix is in and it failed.
    Interestingly enough some blonde bimbo on one of those shows put 2 + 2 together just long enough to figure out what Trump could do to the electoral college and the rest of them on the round table were like HUH?

  5. By my calculation after reading comments for 7 years, at any given moment whatever you’re talking about is not what you should be talking about.

    So, that type of comment is like white noise to me.

    If I were to lend any credence whatsoever to that type of comment I should be able to find a blog where upon arrival the homepage opens up like the ark of the covenant, angels singing, and anything you thought you knew prior was just all crap, and you’re enlightenment would increase 1000 fold.

    Do you have the link?

  6. Nah, even Menderman will provide something to validate his point. Ryan is obviously Megyns step brother from another mother being retained by FOX to wreak havoc on IOTW Reports and spread RINOism across our fair land.

  7. So in some weird kin of way isn’t this just another way for the press to pick our candidate? People attack trump so we support him? This is still the trump that supported Hillary and is not really all that super conservative… I agree with Ryan and also think we need to not get fooled by squirrels.

  8. Ryan Kelly is Larry the Liberal who is Mr. Pinko! 😉

    Imagine Trump/Cruz for 8 years and then 8 more years of Cruz/A Conservative. Our Founding Fathers would come back from the dead and say, “You finally got it right America!”

  9. 2 people are missing. One hates trump. Menderman.-Who isn’t here.]
    Neither is
    Sean Pradig who I know is/was menderman.
    All of a sudden Ryan Kelly shows up and writes like mendermen.

  10. so y’all are cool with trump donating to shillary? That is the real issue here, who is trump, I don’t care about news reporters and what they did or did not say, I expect that anyway..,. But who is trump and do you really want him as prez?

  11. Trump was never in it to win it. He is doing the heavy lifting for the PC GOP
    That are afraid to be called a racist.
    Trump will drop out, but he is doing what needs done.
    Go trump.

  12. I have been reluctant to comment on trump. BUT!
    A). Trump is a capitalist no doubt.
    B). Hillary is a Saul Alinsky acolyte Marxist no doubt.

    Let’s see A or B? I’ll take A every day of the week.

    P.S. Jeb? Really? All Hell no!!!

  13. My point is that BFH is criticizing Megan Kelly for the apparent crime of hypocrisy. Judging from other sites, Erickson is also guilty. Again, Kelly and Erickson are guilty, but I don’t care. Their job is to point out the plank in the politicians’ eyes. To ask the questions that the voting class deserve to hear. To make the candidates uncomfortable. Whether it’s Trump or Bush or Carson or Clinton or Obama. We should demand that journalists ask them all hard questions.

    Should Trump get a bye because he’s not an establishment guy? Wouldn’t getting a bye mean that he is an establishment guy (i.e. Boehner or Obama)

  14. The line of questioning of Donald Trump was low and an easy agenda is seen here.
    I would be willing to bet that Rupert would not entertain an expose of Valerie Jarrett as an example. Too much truth isn’t popular me thinks. I think less of Kelly now. Sorry!

  15. Anyway back to the original discussion.. MK has discredited herself. I wasn’t aware of the HS interviews but was suspicious in the past with the big stupid earrings and tight dresses as if she had plans to go clubbing after work. Also, the comment about Jesus or Santa being white and referring to Bruce Jenner as a “she” threw it over the edge for me.
    What I still don’t get is why it would be in her interest to knock Trump down in support of Jeb ?
    Does this all have to do with the original “hands up” question about the possibility of running as an independent? Or is this a real conspiracy ?

  16. tRump is a serial abuser of eminent domain and bankruptcy law. If you think of corruption in terms of getting away with violating the law, you’re not casting a wide enough net for the things that damage our liberty.

  17. So asking Trump if he called a woman a fat ass 12 years ago is a hard question? Are you fucking kidding??

    Ask him what he plans to do about $200 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities and cut the bullshit out.

    Pathetic dude.

  18. Why is he corrupt? And why do you have a hard on for him?

    Is it corrupt to LEGALLY donate money to politicians that, if elected, can be phoned regarding this or that project that needs some grease?

    The answer pal is no, it’s not corrupt-I don’t know what planet you’re on but that’s the history of mankind here on earth.

    The latest big difference is Citizens United-now multibillionaires can donate unlimited amounts to PACs that supposedly(wink wink) have no communication with the candidate. IOW candidates solicit our $10 donations as nothing more then window dressing.

  19. Why is trump corrupt? He represents everything about “business” that conservatives used to claim to hate: in a nut shell, gaming the law and rent seeking. Legal != ethical.

    My belief in the rule of law, such as it is in America today, leads me to believe that I’m [sort of] okay with tRump not being in prison if he didn’t commit a crime on paper. I’m most certainly NOT okay with him being in the oval office. If I really have to explain to you the specifics of why that is, you really haven’t been paying attention.

  20. You know, you people who are accusing me of being a sock puppet ought to check out the Facebook page for the account I’m posting under. If I’m a sockpuppet, I had to have put up one hell of a front for years in order to develop this personality. And while we’re at it, whose picture am I using? Not very flattering, is it? Jeebus anyway…

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