In Battle Of Wits With ACB, Democrat Senators Come Unarmed – IOTW Report

In Battle Of Wits With ACB, Democrat Senators Come Unarmed

PJ Media

The tables have turned. Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, continued to impress Americans on the third day of her confirmation hearing. Even Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who notoriously attacked Barrett for the “dogma” living “loudly” within her in 2017, said, “I’m really impressed.”

Barrett also deftly responded to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), the Democratic nominee for vice president, when she tried to trap the nominee in questions about climate change. More

22 Comments on In Battle Of Wits With ACB, Democrat Senators Come Unarmed

  1. I was listening to the hearing while I was driving, and I was glad I was stopped at a traffic light when I heard ACB’s intellectual mag dump on Durbin. I think Feinstein would call that a high capacity mag!

    At times I could hear ACB’s smile in her voice as she politely squashed idiot dems like cockroaches. Compared to the pointy stick intellect of your average dem senator, ACB wields a mental Ma Deuce.

  2. \It’s clear to see the stark difference between a person who is quick witted and highly intelligent from a person who deceives themselves into thinking they are extremely gifted simply for the fact that they’ve managed to be elected.

  3. “And do you believe that climate change is happening and is threatening the air we breathe and the water we drink?”
    That is such a loaded statement. It doesn’t say anything, it isn’t logical – and anyone who accepted a statement like that as true would be putting a metaphoric ‘Kick Me’ sign on their backside.

  4. Or never engage in a battle with a half wit. I think the Bible calls that casting pearls before swine. It’s useless and only covers your pearls in pig shit.

    Although, these days pig shit is more useful than demoncraps.

  5. I don’t believe the Republicans could have had a better outcome. ACB has become the RIGHTFUL Conservative heiress to the Liberal RGB. Her religious beliefs didn’t become the trap I thought the Dementiacrats were going to make them. The character assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh paved the way for Justice Amy Cony-Barrett. The character assassins don’t deserve any further consideration. Next up, Justice Stephen Breyer.

  6. I was hoping that when she lifted up her notepad up that it would be a drawing of a man’s body in a suit with a dickhead coming out of the shirt collar. Call it Durbin or Blumenthal.

    If they complain, tell them to respect some of my five 1st Amendment rights.

  7. What does “climate change” have to do with the SC? If Kamala wants to know about that she should read the Genesis account of Noah and his family.

    Uhhh …the Book, not the band.

  8. If the table were turned, how many of these self-righteous buffoons could stand up to the same salvo of questioning? Or stated another way, how many were secretly saying to themselves “I’m damn glad I don’t have to answer that one!”
    I mean really, wouldn’t you just love to see Kamala squirming to answer anything relating to Willy Brown??

  9. Speaking for myself, I like global warming. If it had not happened long ago, where I, and many other people, live today would still be underneath several feet of ice. Amazingly it happened all by itself without any influence from mankind’s activities. As a bonus it was kind of fun today watching the democrats voluntarily reveal themselves as fools over the topic.

  10. This question from Harris: “And do you believe that climate change is happening and is threatening the air we breathe and the water we drink?”

    I thought this kind of hearing was to determine how an SC nominee would interpret federal laws and constitution, and how they affect cases brought before the SCOTUS. Personal beliefs should not be questioned.

    Dumpocraps are truly anti-American.


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