In Case It Needs Repeating What the Raid Was – IOTW Report

In Case It Needs Repeating What the Raid Was

35 Comments on In Case It Needs Repeating What the Raid Was

  1. He’s exactly right, and it was perpetrated by the same assholes that covered up Benghazi for Hillary, dreamed up Pee Gate, and hammed Trump on the Russian collusion hoax for 4 years. How much you want to bet they helped manage the big steal. And the News Media supports these treasonous bastards every step of the way.

  2. We’ve known for years that DJT would not be allowed to represent us. We came out in the 100s of 1,000s, time after time to show support.

    They obviously mean to indict him on some bullshit. Than what?

  3. It’s exactly the words that Rush left us.
    They will not cease going after him and his family until they are crushed. They are sending a message to anyone ELSE who EVER tries this again. NO populist candidate will ever be in the White House again. They are making sure by painting him as a criminal.
    Their rhetoric is going to flare up one day and this won’t end well. Obama made sure to position many compliant judges across the courts to support his vision.

  4. @woody August 19, 2022 at 8:52 pm

    > NO populist candidate will ever be in the White House again.

    You write that like it was — never — a stupid thing.

  5. Then what? You already know the answer to that question.

    Do you remember the guy in Boston that placed some boxes with blinking lights around the city? Do you remember the chaos he caused with that simple publicity stunt. It shut a city of 6 million people down. Nothing moved. Police ran all over town responding to tips. The feds when nuts trying to determine if this was a terrorist attack. Do you know how much money it cost them?

  6. “They obviously mean to indict him on some bullshit. Than what?”

    Then we carp and rail on the innerwebz. No one is discomfited enough to get the list of registered Democrat voters in their town and just start working down the list.

    And as long as that’s the case, they win.

  7. I think they will indict and arrest him too. They don’t care if it sticks. They’re after the visual of him being Perp Walked up and down the beltway. They’ll do it in October in an effort to save the mid terms. That might be enough to kick it off. Maybe. We desperately need a non politician leader. I nominate Mike Flynn.

  8. ^^^^That’s because you are a Libtard. You can’t think for your self. You Parrot CNN. You never question anything. It’s much easier just believing the state run propaganda. If you are actually a United States citizen, and had half a brain, you would realize business mans Trumps Policies benefited our country better than any other president. Ever. But after all, you’re a Lib, and thinking takes way to much energy.

  9. Deflect, deflect. deflect. Project, project, project. I’m assuming this is someone that actually works for the current Brain Dead Admin. No one else could lie like that. One indoctrinated loser.

  10. What about Mike Rogers? Where is he? I can understand not getting into the shitshow, but he really saved us by warning Trump of the surveillance that was taking place. I’d sure like to see him throw some gasoline on the fire.

  11. y’all want to stop these asshole Anonymous’?


    these assholes get their little chubs off at ANY response

    great grandad always said, never wrestle w/ a pig … ’cause the pig enjoys the filth more.

    Stop Feeding The Pigs!

  12. @Brad August 19, 2022 at 11:37 pm

    > So now we murder our political opponents?

    Accepting the “rules” of engagement… written by those that call you “enemy”… is surrender.

  13. It really is amazing to watch the liberals defend this. Even RINOs. I know they are all Trump Derangement Syndrome patients, but hating yourself and your country, taking down the rule of the law, ignoring due process, tearing the Constitution all to get Trump is something that I can’t understand. If less than 1% of this was done to any of them, they would have been screaming on TV about it.
    Mark is right. This is about control. If they can do this to a President, imagine what they could do to you and me.


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