In Leftyville This Image Goes Viral – IOTW Report

In Leftyville This Image Goes Viral

This “totally not staged” image is sweeping leftyville.

It’s Hillary reading the headline “Pence used personal email in office.” 

I’ll let a Newser commenter handle this –

This fake “news” story was tiresome when it first appeared and is no less tiresome now.

Liberals are attempting to compare apples to oranges in an attempt to smear Trump/Pence and all they are doing is making themselves, and the low information fools who fall for anything, look foolish and desperate.

Here are a few of the major differences between Clinton and Pence;

1. Pence was following precedent as other governors had used private accounts in the commission of their duties and there was no prohibition against it. Clinton not only broke State Department guidelines and federal laws the way she went about it was unprecedented.

2. Pence used a personal ACCOUNT on an established server. Clinton used a personal, unsecured SERVER, one set up specifically to bypass government oversight.

3. Pence, as is required by law, turned over ALL his emails, both public and personal, to an independent counsel to review and storage. Clinton deleted over 30000 (supposedly) personal emails and then claimed that she had turned over all her emails, a breathtaking lie and one that ultimately was proven so as untold numbers of work related emails were recovered from those deleted emails.

4. Finally, Pence did not deal with national security issues whereas Clinton repeatedly discussed classified information on her private, unsecured server, with some issues being so highly classified that Members of Congress investigating the issue did not have a high enough security clearance to view them.

As I said, trying to compare Pence’s fresh apples to Clinton’s rotten oranges.


20 Comments on In Leftyville This Image Goes Viral

  1. cfm990:

    “There was a young Royal Marine,
    Who tried to fart “God Save the Queen”.
    When he reached the soprano
    Out came the guano
    And his breeches weren’t fit to be seen.”


  2. Time for Trump to go on the offensive… no more defensive strategies. The left loves these hit-and-run tactics. They can keep cutting away at their opposition with false accusations but when found false they are never held accountable and they move on to the next lie. Meanwhile leaving the damage of the previous lie intact to fester like a dirty wound. We need a conservative coordniation center where we can luanch similar attacks against the left. We can call them great names like “Organizing for ‘Merica”…. I would donate big bucks to an outfit that wouldnt take any shit from these leftist twats….

  3. Well, the photo proves that Hillary wasn’t guilty of national security concerns by having a personal e-mail server and top secret e-mails saved on it, failed to comply with the records retention act, obstruction of justice, destroying evidence and lying.
    As the FBI stated in their report, Hillary was just careless.

    Oh wait, Pence never did any of that. Never mind, he’s a republican so the feckless politicized FBI will recommend indictment.

  4. Naw, she’s not petty at all.

    Oh, and look! She’s got a trendy new phone! Good for her! Maybe she finally figured out how to use it… Or not, if she’s covered in more newspapers than a homeless dude…

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