10 Comments on In Light of the Last Post With Blaire White…
Have you seen BW “decent human being tip” directed at Planned Parenthood?
87.5% correct.
I usually have fairly accurate “tray-dar” and I confess I read this post prior to Blaire White vid below but had it pegged prior to mention of “my tranny sisters”. Usually over the top flamboyant gesture, large hands, Adam’s apple, heavy brow, heavy makeup and fake hair are all give aways.
Couple of years ago I was in haute trendy bar in S FL and excused myself to visit the RR. Upon my return, a very “classy lady” was hitting on my husband. After “she” was asked to vacate my barstool, my husband apologized all over himself and said he knew she was a high paid hooker. Told him, don’t be too flattered, look at the dudes hands.
To me the chosen name is a giveaway. Like “Jillian” or “Caitlyn” or “Blaire”. Or “Michelle”.
75% correct. I got every one in the left column right, missed a few in the right column.
I did poorly, most looked like guys on drag to me.
but i’d rather mistake women for guys then men for women.
Imagine being a woman who is included in a female or shemale test. What do her friends think? How about her boyfriend or husband? Maybe they clicked on link such as this post and there was their picture.
Whiskey is OK but avoid the Jager-bombs
Missed zero on the first, two on the second. That one was a bit tougher, a few more iffys there, for sure.
When I first saw Crocodile Dundee grab the woman’s pussy to check, I turned to my wife and told her thats what the smart guys did in Olongapo.
I could’ve gotten 100%, if we could see the hands and hear the voices. That’s your best tip off, fellas.
Have you seen BW “decent human being tip” directed at Planned Parenthood?
87.5% correct.
I usually have fairly accurate “tray-dar” and I confess I read this post prior to Blaire White vid below but had it pegged prior to mention of “my tranny sisters”. Usually over the top flamboyant gesture, large hands, Adam’s apple, heavy brow, heavy makeup and fake hair are all give aways.
Couple of years ago I was in haute trendy bar in S FL and excused myself to visit the RR. Upon my return, a very “classy lady” was hitting on my husband. After “she” was asked to vacate my barstool, my husband apologized all over himself and said he knew she was a high paid hooker. Told him, don’t be too flattered, look at the dudes hands.
To me the chosen name is a giveaway. Like “Jillian” or “Caitlyn” or “Blaire”. Or “Michelle”.
75% correct. I got every one in the left column right, missed a few in the right column.
I did poorly, most looked like guys on drag to me.
but i’d rather mistake women for guys then men for women.
Imagine being a woman who is included in a female or shemale test. What do her friends think? How about her boyfriend or husband? Maybe they clicked on link such as this post and there was their picture.
Whiskey is OK but avoid the Jager-bombs
Missed zero on the first, two on the second. That one was a bit tougher, a few more iffys there, for sure.
When I first saw Crocodile Dundee grab the woman’s pussy to check, I turned to my wife and told her thats what the smart guys did in Olongapo.
I could’ve gotten 100%, if we could see the hands and hear the voices. That’s your best tip off, fellas.