In response to the pink hats… – IOTW Report

In response to the pink hats…

It’s not what you think… it’s a… .. it’s a… someone help me out.

ht/ bad brad

38 Comments on In response to the pink hats…

  1. Not fair. Should’ve been a warning, mid sip into the first sip of a full hot cup of coffee! 12 year old boy humor causes spontaneous eruptions every time!

  2. By wearing this head covering it objectifies men by stating they have their brains in their penis.

    I am appalled and disgusted by this sexist display of the male stereotype……
    .. but, but….. yeah, I know, it’s true.
    Well, never mind.

  3. @Arnold, was in a band once named Helmut and the Anteaters.
    We were all helmeted boomers, had a lot of fun when the girls wanted to know which was Helmut.

  4. I would have knit that cute little pink hat for my granddaughters but now I can’t. Liberals ruin everything. However, I won’t knit this one for either my grandsons or granddaughters; this one isn’t cute.

  5. A new BICYCLIST’S hat!
    Just about as effective against a 70 ton dump truck as the former.
    And just as stylish.
    A hat that screams: “I’M A DORK! I’M A DORK!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. That was my prototype. I was going to knit one for everyone here. I was going to put steel wool at the base of BFH’s in keeping with the FUR theme. But obviously my hard work is not appreciated.

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