In Support of Hillary – IOTW Report

In Support of Hillary


ht/ Jerry Manderin and Cliff

29 Comments on In Support of Hillary

  1. I do so hate to pic at another person’s work (yeah, like they believe that one)…But to do the “Full Hillary” would require the head canted slightly left and forward and the back and legs stiff as wood. I suppose this could be a post “Full Hillary” pic as the ground has snapped the brain housing group back as she did for her concussion a few years ago. I am also quite sure the demoncrats are running around in tight little circles trying to figure out if anyone will notice them when they replace Hillary with Biden. Because as bad as it is today, can you imagine if they keep her in and she decides to do a “Full Clinton” on live TV. Exactly how long will they let her stand there frozen and catatonic before they call the handlers to come and toss her in the back of the van…again. Then the press will obediently report that she was just “overheated” by the studio lights, followed by the admission that her doctor had in fact diagnosed her with ADD the prior Friday…Considering the petrified stance she assumes, you could say that she was simply suffering from an Attention Deficit Disorder that was simply a little more severe than what Timmy in second grade has.

    MSG Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy apprentice

  2. You could also Post videos of people doing ‘the Harry Reid’ on their exercise equipment.
    I’m waiting for the shart cape to be deployed (you know somebody is rehearsing this maneuver).

  3. Well Well….looks like the DNC have been busy little beavers. The move is on to chunk out her Thighness in favor of Plugs Biden. How predictable the Progtards are, like a cheap dollar murder mystery. Watch Moochie do the mocha shakedown for the top slot. Her Wookieness goes on full rampage at Plugs and the DNC. This shit is better than “Gladiators”.

  4. Participants in the #PavementChallenge should show their dedication (ok, fanaticism) by starting the dive from higher off the ground. Babs could go from a kick stool; Cher from a car hood; Huma from the roof of a bus…

  5. So Biden is supposedly on tap. What ever happened to crazy Sanders? He at least ran and had a cohort of lazy socialist thieves who supported him. No one likes Biden except like a wacky, stupid uncle you only see at family events and tolerate.

  6. When Sanders tossed in the towel at the end of his run, and kissed the Cankles cankles, then went out and bought a sportscar and new vacation home with the Bernie funds, his followers blinked and then cursed him: “Just like all the rest of the dirty pols”. I don’t see them walking that back either.

  7. Uncle Al, that is some funny shit right there.
    By your scale on the hierarchy, Hilary should jump off a three story apartment roof and Bill could swan dive off an average AM radio tower

  8. @Uncle Al…yes i remember you did. The other alternate reality may be the DNC starts meeting with unexpected deaths, and quickly. You do not cross the Clinton Cartel and live to brag. She still has Wasserpootyshultz in her bag of tricks. Debbie could pull a full muzzy vest-go-pop to kill the DNC en masse at a conspiracy meeting to dump her Thighness. They did dump DWS, after all. She will give all for her Cankleship.

  9. @VD (sorry, but those are your initials!) – The idea of DWS¹ forcing the DNC to stand in unanimous solidarity with her own suicide is a wonderful image! But in their unparalleled wisdom, the voters in her Floriduh district gave her the nod in last week’s party primary, so she’ll have to decide what’s worse: death or another term in the House.

    C’mon, Debbie, you know what’s the right thing to do!

    1. DWS – Dept of Water and Sewer

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