Inauguration Moved Inside – IOTW Report

Inauguration Moved Inside

17 Comments on Inauguration Moved Inside

  1. A formal inauguration is not required. swear him in in a judges chamber then everyone go home. No need for a C&W hillbilly to sing or the press to get their panties in a bunch over who is and who is not attending.

  2. Good move. Trump SHOULD be afraid of A LOT of the American people: the epidemic of the disease of leftism/wokeness and narcissism threatens us all. As for Trump: unlike us, he has the treasonous democrat/GOPe swamp literally gunning fir him.

  3. Smart call, I wouldn’t trust the DOJ, FBI, CIA and definitely not the the Secret Service.
    Look at their incompetent, treasonous track record.

    Not that they had anything to do with President Kennedy’s assassination and putting Lyndon Johnson in the Whitehouse. /s


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