On one hand I wonder how a doll can have Down Syndrome. On the other, whatever makes the children happy I am all for it.
On another note. I’m not seeing the Down Syndrome in the doll.

And now, for one of the entries in the Internet Hall of Fame –>

On one hand I wonder how a doll can have Down Syndrome. On the other, whatever makes the children happy I am all for it.
On another note. I’m not seeing the Down Syndrome in the doll.
And now, for one of the entries in the Internet Hall of Fame –>
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Pull the string on her back and she sez: “Whuuuut”
We need a BLM Barbie, Molotov cocktail in one hand, stolen Nikes on her feet and a t-shirt that says ” kill whitey “.
If the left gets their way this will be Aborted Barbie…
Corona jab side effect Barbie anyone?
What about the modern Barbie that just says, “Like, like, like, no worries!, like like like like like like like like, no worries, like like like, you know, and stuff, like like…”
She will need a friend.
Ken the retard?
Ken has always been transgender…..
Kentard. Or Blacktard. Shaunqueefuss. Pull his string and he says, “Kill Whitey, kill whitey RACISS kill whitey kill whitey… NIKES! kill whitey…”
Her boyfriend:
I don’t know what those guys are doing over there at Mattel, there creativity department needs to get more creative. Where is the Butch Barbie, the androgynous Barbie, the MSNBC Barbie, or the under qualified bartender pretending she is a congresswowan Barbie?
I remember years back they had World Traveller Barbies from Australia, Canada, England, etc, and the ‘Mexico Barbie’ was boycotted because she had a chihuahua and other supposed stereotypes.
You just can’t appease these asswagons…
In the planning stages: Acne Barbie, Cerebral Palsy Barbie, Double Amputee Barbie, Goiter Barbie, Steatopygia Barbie, Hermaphrodite Barbie, Hare-Lip Barbie and, in a blast from the past, Iron Lung Barbie.
Plus-sized Barbie is next. Or ADHD Barbie.
Damn, I remember the Iron Lung Barbie that came out in 1969 before it was pulled from store shelves due to the Uranium-235 content…
The Bud Light Ken would just be a Barbie doll.
Women’s Olympic Champion Barbie that dominates every sport and NO, not just because she comes with a penis… BIGOT!
Oppressed BLM Barbie that comes with 5 Malibu Dream Homes…
WhosUrDaddy, are you one of those leftists that decry “homophobia” only to use homophobic slurs in an effort to demean conservatives?
Certainly sounds like it…
Next up: ‘Go down Syndrome” Barbie: AKA Lesbo Barbie
Why not some real retarded Barbies like Hydrocephalic Barbie with a great big swollen waterlogged head or microcephalic Barbie with a very small pinhead. And they could live together in a state institution for the retarded. And for the real sickos, necrophiliac Barbie. Why the hell not, it seems that Barbie can be anything that he/she/it wants to be these days. And AI Barbie just to give robots a chance to be a dumb blonde android.
So slightly almond shaped eyes makes this a down-syndrome-Barbie? What about the sloping shoulders and other characteristics, like being overweight?
This is, at best, a very Hollywood sort of take on what Down’s looks like, from someone who’s never actually seen a Down’s patient.
I have a niece on my wife’s side and a great nephew on my side that have Down’s. Both were late in life pregnancies which is a huge risk factor for this, just so you ladies who may be thinking about putting children off until “later” know. Biologically this is a real, unavoidable issue for those “career first, baby second” Ally McBeals that mass media recommends heartily to young women, but the liberals who programmed “have-it-all” femininity don’t like biological reality, as we’ve seen much more starkly in other ways, but I digress.
Anyway, I’ve seen it long-term there, and had emergent Down’s patients when I ran the streets as well. Sometimes the stamp is heavier, sometimems lighter, but Down’s puts a distinctive stamp on all that it holds sway on. A less sensitive generation referred to it as “Mongolism” because of the epicanthic folds that is a signature tend to resemble that which many Asiatic peoples have normally, but it twists its victims in other ways too.
The Down’s patient tends to have genetic abnormalities elsewhere too. Cariovascular, respiratory, gastric disabilities with a predisposition to a very UnBarbieish corpulence, autoimmune, suceptible to blindness, and if they’re really lucky, leukemia and other liquid cancers; and, of course, developmental disabilities that a less kindly but more frankly accurate generation referred to as “retardation”. Advances in medicine have made it more likely for Down’s patients to live into adulthood where it was a rarity before, but they are quite unlikely to live what we would refer to as a “normal” life, and extremely unlikely to live a life as glamorous and varied as that Barbie has. It is a very permanant genetic abnormality that no amount of “identifying” will ever change the reality of. This is what a real Down’s patient and those who love them deal with every day.
The Down’s kids I’ve seen and the Down’s kids I’ve known seem to be happier on balance than most “normal” folks, perhaps its a side effect of the syndrome or perhaps its because they can’t mentally grasp their predicament or that God gifts them with the ability to forget the scorn a harsh, hypocritical world heaps on them, but both of the Down’s kids (one of which is now an adult who, amazingly, holds down a job on her own) I know best are a joy to be around, but are certainly afllicted in ways that are clear on their faces and their speech, and in less clear ways that will curse them physically for all of their still-shortened lives.
My “normal” niece, the parent of my Down’s grandnephew, is looking at surgery to correct throat and cranial abnormalities in her child, and this does not get better. Having raised a child who needed many early surgeries myself my heart goes out to her, but there’s little they can do about the necessity, the alternative being further disabilities, lung abcesses, and possibly agonizing death. Pray for her, her husband, and her son, and for all who are like them, it’s a tough row to hoe. Five minutes in an induction room will certainly sober anyone up on the joys of turning a child over to people with scalpels. I don’t recommend it.
So I don’t know what Mattel thinks they are doing here, but Down’s is not nearly as fun or easy as a little boy (yes, of course they went there) playing with a Barbie with no real stamp but a vaugely puffier face (probably avoiding the common eye sign because it might offend someone), and a figure that you are quite unlikely to see in actual Down’s patients at an age that many of them will never reach.
Down’s is not a choice. It is a genetic abnormality that leads to a lifetime of suffering, and virtue signalling with a doll that isn’t representative at ALL of the disfigurations and trials that an actual Down’s suffer goes through isn’t even going to desensitise unavoidably cruel children even to that.
Go back to Blackfacing your other dolls, Mattel.
Your virtue singal doesn’t even have the nads to look like what it claims to be, and to those of us who know it just shows the hypocracy of you claiming to represent for Down’s while imposing your concept of a form of beauty on it other than it has because you don’t like what it really looks like.
Fuck you.
geoff the aardvark AT 4:13 AM
“Why not some real retarded Barbies like Hydrocephalic Barbie with a great big swollen waterlogged head…”
My wife has a cousin that suffers from hydrocephalus, and has since she was a baby. Happily they were able to install a shunt very early that made it so she never gained the more obvious signs of it as you suggest and so it didn’t impair her mentally, but it is apparently quite painful when the shunt is in operation to the exculsion of all else so she’s never been confident that she could drive a vehicle and needs periodic surgical maintenance, so she refused to have children because she didn’t want to pass it on to them. In any case you’d never know it to look at her or talk to her except for when it’s causing her pain, so this could be a Hydrocephalus Barbie for all the difference she has in her appearance from any other “normal” person.
At least the major problem with it can be addressed and its visual cues minimized. You don’t have that luxury with Down’s.
As Mattel is evidently unaware.
This DOES NOT bug me as long as they still have Traditional ones.
Let’s hope they don’t PERVERT THIS. (I know They Will eventually)
When I was in Catholic High School, we had a few kids with Downs that were in with us, but they had their own classrooms for most courses.
I’m happy to say that NO ONE treated them badly, They took Phys Ed and Art type stuff with the rest of us. They even graduated & went to Prom.
30+ years later, I ran into one of them at a Funeral. He remembered almost every one of his school mates.
This helped me remember that. Thanks.
Crack Addicted Black Barbie??
Let’s not forget Crack Addict Barbie, comes with a glass crack pipe courtesy of my Dad.
Where’s Buffet Barbie?
If I owned a mongoloid Barbie I think I would make my own quadruple amputee mongoloid Barbie, to be even more inclusive.
Loco loves his dolls, so so sew buttons on your underwear.
And he’s not a homophobe, well maybe just a tiny bit, ok alot than. Anyway if he wants to play with dolls just let him, girlyboy.
gangsta bitch barbie had some cool accessories
I’ll never forget my sister’s horror when she gave her brand new chatty cathy, a bath.
afterwards, when she pulled the string to hear her say momma it only said mmrrmmrrmmrrmmrrmmrrmmrrmm
my sister was devastated, her doll would never say momma ever again
makes me laugh every time
I’m asking Santa for Tranny Barbie… you get a plug-in penis, a plug-in vagina, and removable boobs.
I’d ask for a Pregnant Barbie, but it’s not likely to come with tiny forceps and a removable fetus…yet.
Good times!
Where’s the Kamala Harris “slut” Barbie?
Amniocentesis was developed to identify genetic defects in the fetus, especially among high risk mothers like those nearing or over 40. The point was to do the test and end the pregnancy before a child with Downs or other defect was even born. Why are we trying to “normalize” Downs when the point was to prevent it?
Why not a set that has Barbie transitioning to Ken & Ken transitioning to Barbie?
They already have the clothes and the neuter pelvic region; shouldn’t be a prob…
Never mind.
I’m in favor of Down syndrome over the Clown syndrome we now have.