South Africa vows to quit ICC following Putin warrant – IOTW Report

South Africa vows to quit ICC following Putin warrant

RT: The South African government has decided to again attempt a withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC), President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Tuesday. His statement comes as the forthcoming BRICS summit, to be hosted in Durban in August, has been handed a logistical problem by The Hague’s based organization’s targetting of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The decision, according to the president, was reached by the African National Congress (ANC) party after a weekend meeting.

“Yes, the governing party has taken that decision that it is prudent that South Africa should pull out of the ICC,” Ramaphosa said following a joint press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto, who is on a diplomatic visit to Pretoria. “Largely because of the manner in which the ICC has been seen to be dealing with (these) type of problems.”

Ramaphosa was referring to what he called the “unfair treatment” of certain countries by the tribunal.

South Africa first attempted to withdraw from the ICC in 2016, but the move was revoked following a High Court ruling that found it was unconstitutional. MORE

1 Comment on South Africa vows to quit ICC following Putin warrant

  1. I can’t understand why anyone would GAS about whatever the criminal rogue state of South Africa did.

    A large open cesspool.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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