Incoherent Biden Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Incoherent Biden Strikes Again

If this guy represents hope, we are all fukt.

23 Comments on Incoherent Biden Strikes Again

  1. Again like the true psychopathic narcissist he is he makes it all about himself, and how great he is, what he has suffered, how much he has done.

    He is a garbage, filthy, corrupt senile piece of shit who can’t die from syphilis soon enough.

    Every word out of his putrid mouth is a lie.

  2. He trails off with “….Anyway…” preceded and followed by awkward pauses. Then he forgets what he’s saying and says “..Look…” followed by more awkward pauses and never says a damn thing that makes sense, mumbling like he’s got a mouthful of marbles and staring off into space. What an embarrassment.

    He couldn’t lead a trickle of water down the driveway, nevermind the country.

  3. how much carbon did it take for this blowhard & his entourage to all travel to israel if climate change is such a huge threat?
    not one other head of state gave biteme the time of day
    biteme’s a criminal & pedofile at the head of the largest money laundering, human/organ/sex trafficking cartel on the planet
    stfu & gfy

  4. Dementia/Pervy Joe goes from yelling to whispering and sniffing girls hair to falling asleep in mid sentence. A humiliating mess.
    Yeah, he’s the “change” Obama was hoping for to continue fundamentally transforming the greatest nation on Earth into another corrupt socialist/communist Hellhole.


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