Incoming GOP Congresswoman Kat Cammack: “Only in America” Could I Go from Homelessness to Congress – IOTW Report

Incoming GOP Congresswoman Kat Cammack: “Only in America” Could I Go from Homelessness to Congress

Dan Bongino

Kat Cammack (R-FL), who was just elected to Congress, explained to radio host Alex Marlow that only nine years ago, she was homeless.

“Just nine years ago, I was homeless, and only in America can someone go from being homeless to the House of Representatives in less than nine years. “I ended up getting involved when in 2011 an Obama-era housing program took away our family’s cattle ranch out west, and after being homeless for several months, I made the life decision to get involved rather than take over the family business, which had been my plan all along. I remember so distinctly, thinking I’m never going to be in this position again. I don’t have to get depressed or sad about this, because life is about choices, and I’m making a choice that is going to be better for me tomorrow and keep on going, and that’s how you pull yourself up from your bootstraps.”

Cammack said Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) program was the one that cost her family the ranch.


4 Comments on Incoming GOP Congresswoman Kat Cammack: “Only in America” Could I Go from Homelessness to Congress

  1. My Petey B reminded me that only in America could I go from an unbleached elastic starfish to a bleached elastic starfish and then back to an unbleached elastic starfish!

  2. I put little hope in these newly elected officials, they’re always full of inspiring words and stories but within weeks of being seated they find a way of being disappointing.
    Truly courageous people are few and far between and we’ve just witnessed what happens to them when they swim against the stream.
    As Thomas Sowell said “At some point we reach the point of no return”.

  3. That sucking Obama program came close to ruining my credit too. I lost my job in the mortgage industry, no income and applied to save my mortgage. My servicer, Wells Fargo, stalled, denied, stalled, denied and 3 months later I get foreclosures documents. I get a new wage paying job in the mean time, but am 120 days behind on my mortgage facing foreclosure even though I applied twice for HAMP.
    I did the next best thing and filed Chapter 13, which was a 5 year prison sentence, I paid them back with interest, then afterwards they wanted another $15,000 in back interest they charged while I was in BK for 60 months which was illegal. They dropped those charges after an attorney phone call, my attorney was too lazy to sue the dog shit out of them, which they deserved.
    Hate to come clean here but I really hate Barry & Big Mike

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