Inconvenient Study: Heat loss from the Earth triggers ice sheet slide towards the sea – IOTW Report

Inconvenient Study: Heat loss from the Earth triggers ice sheet slide towards the sea

Junk Science: But… “settled science”…. “debate is over”… blah-blah-blah…

Heat loss from the Earth triggers ice sheet slide towards the sea
In northeast Greenland, researchers have measured the loss of heat that comes up from the interior of the Earth; this enormous area is a geothermal ‘hot spot’ that melts the ice sheet from below and triggers the sliding of glaciers towards the sea.


Greenland’s ice sheet is becoming smaller and smaller. The melting takes place with increased strength and at a speed that no models have previously predicted.

Today, in the esteemed journal Scientific Reports, researchers from the Arctic Research Centre, Aarhus University, and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources present results that, for the first time, show that the deep bottom water of the north-eastern Greenland fjords is being warmed up by heat gradually lost from the Earth’s interior. And the researchers point out that this heat loss triggers the sliding of glaciers from the ice sheet towards the sea.

Icelandic conditions

“North-East Greenland has several hot springs where the water becomes up to 60 degrees warm and, like Iceland, the area has abundant underground geothermal activity,” explains Professor Soren Rysgaard, who headed the investigations.

For more than ten years, the researchers have measured the temperature and salinity in the fjord Young Sound, located at Daneborg, north of Scoresbysund, which has many hot springs, and south of the glacier Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden, which melts rapidly and is connected to the North-East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS).  more here

14 Comments on Inconvenient Study: Heat loss from the Earth triggers ice sheet slide towards the sea

  1. The earth is such an incredible, complex organism that it is impossible to accurately determine some overall impact from a single set of data, or even from a particular action/reaction. Scientists get different data, they analyze differently, they come up with different results. So?

    So I look to how people respond to this Globull Warming ‘crisis’. The ones who consider it a crisis – those who say it is the most critical thing humankind must address, more critical than slavery, child abuse, war, poverty, etc.
    How do they respond? They call for governments to take action, to invade our privacy, to control our use, to force us to use ‘green’ methods, or at least what they have been told are green. They buy electric and hybrid cars. And then they fly to Zermatt for a skiing vacation, smug that they have done their part.
    The greatest challenge to face humanity? Show me you mean it, by cutting back on your own use, dialing your personal recreation down to zero carbon use. Then maybe I will consider your claims.

  2. This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution. […]This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.

    — Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  3. So — the geothermal flux in Greenland is a BILLION times higher than the global average of about seventy-six milliwatts per meter squared. Either that, or someone typed “M” as in mega instead of “m” as in milli for the Greenland geothermal flux of about one-hundred mongowatts per meter squared.

  4. If nature put us here to screw up the environment, then its in the master plan. Live with it. Nature will go on to plan B, C, D, or what ever fits. Humans don’t mean zip to mother natures soup recipe.

  5. This is absolute proof of Globaloney Warming!
    The massive heat ball that was stored under the Indian (ain’t that racist?) Ocean transmuted itself to the Atlantic/Arctic under the Greenland pseudo-continental land mass and expunged itself on the soft underbelly of the glacial ice-mass of the heuristically depositioned sea-water artificially frozen by the seemingly cold temperatures which Donald J. Trump (!) facilitated through his racist, hate-mongering!
    See how that works?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I wonder what the “environmental scientists” would say when I tell them that I watched it snow (just a few flakes) in Homestead FL 41 yrs ago this month.
    This climate change sure turns on a dime, so to speak.

  7. (New McCarthur Park tune lyrics)
    Al Gorism is melting in the rain
    And he don’t know how to make it
    Cuz he can’t any longer fake it
    And he’ll never get the public
    To buy his lies again…..oh No …………

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