Indiana officials invite Illinois police officers to move there – IOTW Report

Indiana officials invite Illinois police officers to move there

Just The News:

With the promise of no vaccine mandate and lower property taxes, Indiana officials are trying to lure jilted police officers from Illinois.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced a vaccine mandate for police in August. They must show their vaccination status or take the option of testing on their own time and dime. If they don’t, they can be placed on “no pay” status.

Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun tweeted that his office is ready to help connect police officers to an Indiana department that is hiring now.

“If you are in a place that has to put up with a heavy-handed government that’s free and easy with mandates and its either our way or the highway, I think there will be consequences, people will make decisions that maybe change where they live,” Braun said.

Indiana State Police Sgt. Glen Fifield also took to Twitter to encourage Chicago police officers to apply to join his agency.

“This presented an opportunity just because of what is going on over there, and if there are officers that are not getting paid, we pay our officers so if you are looking to stay in law enforcement, this is an option for you,” Fifield said.

A spokesman for an Indiana police union said at least 39 police agencies are hiring. Earlier this year, Indiana’s General Assembly passed a law banning state and local governments from issuing or requiring a vaccine passport for COVID-19.

FOP president John Catanzara said last week that there might be a “lot less officers on the street” in the city of Chicago enforces its COVID policies. more here

7 Comments on Indiana officials invite Illinois police officers to move there

  1. A valid concern,Hoosier Gal.

    There is an assumption that most cops value the legal and moral application of the law, that they are model citizens themselves, that they respect the oath they took to protect and serve, and that they care at all about the civil liberties of the people they police. This assumption is not valid.

    If I was head of hiring for a red city in Indiana, I would be weary (leery) of any officer that worked for Chicago. It would be analogous to accepting an ex KGB guy, or a lateral from Mogadishu Somalia.

  2. I live in a town in northeast indiana with a population of around 10,000. Several years ago we had a city officer who abused his authority. It took several years to get him out. We haven’t had any problems that I’ve heard about from our officers now. They are great officers.

  3. Indiana is my home state, very south central. We are still free here & my small town has a great police force. I graduated high school with about half of them. The assistant chief of police was once a girlfriend! That being said, I don’t trust our governor very much. Eric Holcomb is just not a strong conservative, but so far he has held strong in the face of this shamdemic. Hopefully, things remain this way. Even though the evil from Illinois is starting to seep into the far northern part of the state. Indiana University has gone to the dogs, as well. Bloomington, IN is perhaps the most liberal town in the midwest, except for Chicago or Madison, Wisconsin.


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