Indigenous Tribe Willing to Take Back “Stolen Land” Where Ben & Jerry’s Headquartered – IOTW Report

Indigenous Tribe Willing to Take Back “Stolen Land” Where Ben & Jerry’s Headquartered


An Indigenous tribe descended from the Native American nation that originally controlled the land in Vermont the Ben & Jerry’s headquarters is located on would be interested in taking it back, its chief has said, after the company publicly called for “stolen” lands to be returned.

Don Stevens, chief of the Nulhegan Band of The Coosuk Abenaki Nation—one of four descended from the Abenaki that are recognized in Vermont—told Newsweek it was “always interested in reclaiming the stewardship of our lands,” but that the company had yet to approach them.

It comes after the ice cream company was questioned as to when it would give up its Burlington, Vermont, headquarters—which sits on a vast swathe of U.S. territory that was under the auspices of the Abenaki people before colonization. More

23 Comments on Indigenous Tribe Willing to Take Back “Stolen Land” Where Ben & Jerry’s Headquartered

  1. Scalp the faggots and put their heads on pikes, and we have a deal. Otherwise, fuck you injuns,too. You are all equally worthless.

  2. “An Indigenous tribe descended from the Native American nation …”
    Could we throw in a couple of more euphemisms?

    They’re motherfucking stone-age people who were allowed to live – and they SOLD their land – it wasn’t “taken” from them.

    Somebody needs to do a little research. Fuck these indians – they should be on their knees thanking God every day that the French and English didn’t act like them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That’s the best thing I’ve read in a long time, Ben & Jerry’s….. they are a disgrace to America. I hope the indigenous Indians do take back their land and kick those two unamericans into oblivion

  4. Our virtue signaling faggots start every meeting recognizing ‘these lands that we stole’ from the previous squatters- we call them Indians- and when asked,’ when are you going to give them back?’ The only answer is a shit eating grin. Very, very tiresome and, well, faggotish.

  5. Instead of giving up the land their headquarters are stationed on, they’ll think they’re doing the Indians a favor and will name some ice cream after them.
    Such as “Tommyhawk Crunch” or “Totem Pole Fudge.”

  6. By that calculation I want to reclaim all of the money stolen from me under threat of death by all levels of government. In fact, just give me back every red cent I’ve paid in taxes and I will hire an accounting firm at my own expense to determine how much has been spent on the legitimate functions of government and remit that amount to the US Treasury. I’m a fair and honest man and they will get what is legitimately owed my fellow citizens. FWIW, they will not be getting back anything whatsoever for such things as sports stadium, nation building, United Nations support, Ukraine defense, bicycle lanes, hiking paths, and such.

    Any and all of the above should be reliant on donations or user fees.

  7. New flavors –

    Cheerless Garcia
    Chunky Flunky
    Fat Chance The Rapper
    Kamala Sutra
    Socialist Love A Fair
    The Tonight Doh !!
    Maricone Dream
    Bland Ambition
    Urban Woke Boy
    Twat Waffle Kerfuffle
    Frisco Street Fudge
    Poke A Haunches
    Cherokee Lime Pie
    Wampum Rump Us

  8. Jerry – we need more Indian themed ice cream – how about …

    Gitchy Gloomy
    Ugh Lee Political Pistachio
    Ree Cone Keese Tuh Raspberry
    Pow Wow Praline Chow
    Forked Frisco Dung
    Nancy’s Fancy Greasy Gavee Parfait
    Tomahawk Bloody Sundae
    A Wop A Ho Paul & Nancy Bumper Crunch
    Fidel Castro Street Medley ….

  9. After the follow-up, it appears that the Indians were sticking it up Ben and Jerry’s asses for their stupid “America stole the Indians’ land” campaign for Independence Day.

    If so, I hope they take the land and shove those rat-bastards Ben and Jerry to the curb – where they’re run over by the short bus.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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